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Parkland Students Want Change – Part I
The Guardian recently invited student journalists from Parkland, Florida’s high school paper, The Eagle Eye, to direct their coverage of the March for Our Lives protest. Evidently, adequate security isn’t all that was lacking at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; these kids have been cheated out of their education in civics as well. Rather than actually cover the march, these inept young activists showed off their complete lack of understanding about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship – and how the world works in general – with nine terrible suggestions. To read more click here.
Democrats Cast Aside DACA
Buses loaded with children, recently tapped to be the face of the Democratic Party, rumbled into the Nation’s capital for a calculated march for gun control. The fresh-scrubbed faces, eager to be in the spotlight, hoisted handmade signs and chanted nonsensical messages such as “education not annihilation.” They have set themselves up for abject failure and disappointment. But, hey, that’s the way the Democrats of today operate: the shiniest object garners their undying love and attention; well… until they don’t. To read more click here.
New Executions and a Return to Darker Days
Less than a century ago in the U.S., federal doctors conducted a range of experiments on American prisoners, infecting them with cancer, syphilis, the pandemic flu, and other illnesses. Although improved bioethics have prevented the continuance of such research, lawmakers recently approved an untested and potentially brutal means of capital punishment. To read more click here.