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Democrats Cast Aside DACA

by | Mar 26, 2018 | The Left

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Buses loaded with children, recently tapped to be the face of the Democratic Party, rumbled into the Nation’s capital for a calculated march for gun control.  The fresh-scrubbed faces, eager to be in the spotlight, hoisted handmade signs and chanted nonsensical messages such as “education not annihilation.” They have set themselves up for abject failure and disappointment.

Of course, it is the liberal adults of the world who have placed the heavy mantle of this issue squarely on the shoulders of American kids, who should be at home, going to track, baseball and softball practice, and finishing up midterms.  But, hey, that’s the way the Democrats of today operate: the shiniest object garners their undying love and attention; well… until they don’t.

Just ask the Dreamers, who in the first half of February were marching, chanting, banging on drums and waking up the dead, er, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as they demanded to be left, illegally, alone to do as they please.

Dreamers are Woke Now

Their message managed to infuriate even old-school liberals prompting the super PAC, Priorities USA, who generously funded Obama and Mrs. Clinton in their bids for the presidency, to send a warning memo advising that candidates stay true to their strengths; overburdening the economy with excessive government regulations and an almost free universal healthcare system that no one could afford.  The mass missive was dated February 13 and seemed to portend the dark cloud of continued failure.

The Democrats were scrambling to find that heart-tugging, emotional cause to own, heading into the 2018 mid-term elections, when on February 14, the Parkland School shooting tragedy landed in their laps.

In their stampede to round up survivors willing to publicly speak about the slaughter of their fellow classmates, Democrats threw Dreamers under the chartered buses in a rush to Florida and embraced newer, less illegal, faces as their mascots, David Hogg, 17 and 18-year-old Emma Gonzales. 

Hogg is inappropriate at best and downright obnoxious in his public speaking attempts.  In a recent interview of his newfound (and soon to be fleeting) stardom, he voiced this educated opinion:

“When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the BLEEPING phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a BLEEPING democracy, so we have to.”

His parents must be beaming with pride.  And, David, perhaps you need to take a civics class as America is a Republic and you need to read the Constitution.  But who am I to lecture this kid?  And, its statements like Hogg’s that have America completely turned off to the discussion of immigration and gun control.

Useful Idiots

But the Democrats do not care about intelligence; just optics and a check mark in the win column to combat 2016’s mass humiliation.

And who is financially behind this movement?  Some of the same people who loudly backed Dreamers; Planned Parenthood for one.  How ironic that an organization responsible for 328,348 abortions in 2016 wants to fund a march for life.

The liberals are desperate, and in their bid to regain a smidgeon of self-respect, they have stooped to a new low; using the murder of children and the survivors for political points.  The students who wish to participate in political discourse have a responsibility to do so with knowledge through education.

They should fund their own advancement in the political process and discharge their duty on their own volition.  For the Democrats to hijack a bunch of kids who recently went through an unimaginable experience stinks of their anxiety and desperation.  They have no morals.  They have no shame.

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