Say What? is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing,...
Results for "Hunter"
Is there a Ukrainian Armageddon Dead Ahead for Dems?
For three years now, Americans have been hearing the cry “no one is above the law.” Those who have been repeating...
Swamp Elites Toss Biden to the Wolves to Get Trump
In its fury to destroy the hated Donald Trump, the Swamp is playing with fire – and we're not talking a burning...
Gunslingers for Liberty: Democrat Backfires – 9.29.19
Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy and politics? Stay current, keep up and get out ahead...
Warren’s War of Words with Uncle Joe
As Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) surges ahead of the good old boys’ clubbers,...
Pelosi Chief Fundraiser for Trump — Campaign Rakes in Cash
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi barely had time to leave the stage after announcing impeachment proceedings against...
Transcript of Trump call to Zelenksy: Where’s the Dirt?
Now that the transcript of President Donald Trump’s much-hyped telephone conversation with Ukrainian president...
Pelosi Does the Big Dirty
The idea of impeaching President Donald Trump was always based on the animosity that certain congressional...
Will Ukraine Come Back to Bite Trump, or Biden?
Like the sun rising in the east, the story of this week’s latest impeachable behavior by President Trump already...