There's a saying that goes something like this: "An apology without change is just manipulation." Reading the New...
Results for "Hunter"
SASC Tells Military the Hunt for Extremists Is Over
Pentagon programs hunting down extremists should stop “immediately,” according to the Senate Armed Services...
NPR Disinformation Team: Saving Taxpayers from Themselves?
Much as global warming was relabeled climate change to wallpaper over erroneous predictions, the phrase fact...
LN Poll Results: Oil, Gun Laws, and National Security
We asked and you answered: This week’s poll results are in. Will a defense deal with Saudi Arabia impact our...
Switch to Golf – This Jan. 6 Thingy is Boring
Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing...
No Adopted Pets for Second Amendment Supporters?
Imagine, if you will, finding the perfect pet, that dog or cat that just calls out to you. You’re ready to adopt,...
Dems’ January 6 Prime Time Push – Waste or Watergate?
In politics, nothing is a coincidence. That the House January 6 Committee is holding prime-time televised...
Ministry of Truth on Hold: Left-Wing Media Cries Foul
Less than a month after its creation, the Disinformation Governance Board – conceived amid an inappropriate...
Biden’s Disinformation Board: Even Orwell Would Shiver
It sounded pernicious enough on the face of it. But even though it represents, at least in principle, arguably...