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Results for "executive orders"

Trump Executive Order Drives Effort To Hire And Buy American

Trump Executive Order Drives Effort To Hire And Buy American

Instead of creating new rules, the order merely directs agencies to look for ways to promote both goals. The Buy American Act is already on the books and the law of the land. It was passed all the way back in 1933 and has never been repealed or overturned. However, a mountain of waivers, carve-outs, and simple lack of enforcement have long since crushed the spirit of this law. President Trump is looking to breathe new life into this eighty-four-year-old law.

LN Radio 2/7/21 – Why is this President Ruling by Decree?

LN Radio 2/7/21 – Why is this President Ruling by Decree?

As Joe Biden launches into the third week of his presidency, questions persist on why he has sent forth a record-shattering succession of executive orders on everything from immigration to racial justice. We’ll dive into a couple of likely hidden motivations behind these voluminous decrees from the Oval Office, and the president’s explanation for them. We’ll talk about how much is enough in the pandemic relief bill bounced around on Capitol Hill, and how the Biden foreign policy, especially toward China and Russia, is likely to differ – spoiler alert: a lot – from that of Donald Trump, as we’re joined by military and defense expert Dave Patterson of LibertyNation.com. And Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty – from the Trump impeachment to court-ordered vaccinations for prisoners.

100 Days: How Have Individual Liberties Fared Under Trump?

100 Days: How Have Individual Liberties Fared Under Trump?

Donald Trump has been a busy man during the first one hundred days of his presidency, but in regards to individual liberty, his accomplishments so far are a bit of a mixed bag. According to the White House, President Trump has signed twenty-eight bills, thirty executive orders, and thirteen Congressional Review Acts (CRAs). For the first one hundred days in office, that’s more legislation signed than any president since Truman, the most executive orders since FDR, and more CRAs than any other president in American history.