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Results for "senate"

The Sharing Economy: Under Fire From Republicans

The Sharing Economy: Under Fire From Republicans

Despite the lightning-fast growth of the sharing economy, the regulators are catching up. Across the US, and frankly the world, the most public-service-oriented and naturally developing sector of modern economic growth in recent history is being demagogued and regulated into oblivion by the most self-serving and least efficient actor in every economy: the government.

Liberty Nation Radio – 5/7/17 – From Healthcare to Hillary

Liberty Nation Radio – 5/7/17 – From Healthcare to Hillary

With the House passing a repeal and replacement of Obamacare, what shape is healthcare reform likely to take when it runs the gauntlet of the US Senate? Healthcare expert Grace-Marie Turner jumps on board to analyze. Dan Ingram of LibertyNation.com provides concise analysis of tax reform efforts, the budget deal averting a government shutdown and the state of the economy. Plus, the regrets of James Comey, and Hillary continues her blame-game.

Healthcare Bill Passes: House Hands Trump First Legislative Victory

Healthcare Bill Passes: House Hands Trump First Legislative Victory

The US House of Representatives voted narrowly for approval of the revised American Health Care Act on Thursday, finally passing legislation which had failed to gain a majority twice in recent weeks. The bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) passed by a vote of 217-213 – a scant one vote more than necessary – and now goes to the Senate, where it likely faces an even stiffer challenge and a fresh round of revisions.