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Results for "blac"

The Neil Gorsuch Safety Dance

The Neil Gorsuch Safety Dance

Today the gavel will fall to open the United States Senate Judiciary Committee hearings to consider whether Neil Gorsuch should become the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
If he’s learned anything from prior nominees, Gorsuch will use the hearings as an opportunity to speak without actually saying anything. When asked pointed questions, he will dodge and deflect, and if cornered beyond escape – simply refuse to answer on the ground that it may affect his future ability to judge. To the extent that he does so, he will likely pass through the Senate’s confirmation process.

Do American Lives Count? A Short Essay

Do American Lives Count? A Short Essay

Kate Steinle would be alive today if the politicians and senior police officers in San Francisco had not decided that her life was less worth protecting than the life of Lopez-Sanchez. If the left truly believes that more strict enforcement of laws – or the addition of new laws – is justified in the name of saving “even one life”, then why oppose stricter immigration enforcement? Could it be that the lives of Americans – according to the left’s value of life sliding scale – are simply less valuable than the lives of illegal alien criminals?