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A Day Without Women: A Man’s Satirical View

A Day Without Women. Married men the world over dream of such a thing. A day like this should be a celebration – of fishing, hunting, golf and drinking beer, or, perhaps, just a day of quiet reflection; and, oh, such quiet!

Instead, this day – from the perspective of the extreme left – is a day for women to cast off their kitchen shackles; a day for them to rebel against their usually unquestioned servitude; standing at the sink in their polka-dot dresses, wistfully imagining a time when they will get to drive cars, spend money from their very own bank accounts and, perhaps, even vote – should they care to worry their pretty little heads about such worldly matters.

Reading the copy from the website set up to promote this day of protest – and absent any further knowledge – one would think that this is not the United States of America but Saudi Arabia. It certainly makes for an entertaining read. The dramatic prose describes a nation in which women – or most women, but not white women or Christian women or women who prefer not to have their unborn offspring aborted – are downtrodden, denied any rights, harassed and threatened.

From the mission statement, this:

The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us – immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault – and our communities are hurting and scared.

Poor punctuation notwithstanding, this statement warrants further analysis and a certain amount of translation:

The rhetoric of the past election cycle [everything that Donald Trump said] has insulted, demonized and threatened many of us… [insulted? demonized?] Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths [anyone but Christians], people who identify as LGBTQIA….

Wait, what? It used to be LGB, then it became LGBT and then LGBTQ. When did the I and the A sneak in there? Intersex and asexual are now, apparently, recognized gender identities. This writer firmly believes that ‘intersex’ would be a great name for a Euro-pop band, but humbly declines to further probe  – the meaning of the word.

Moving on…

Native people, Black and Brown people, [not white people. Also, note the capitalization; Black and Brown are now legitimate terms of racial identity? So, we can dispense with the disingenuous ‘African-American’ label now? It is offensive to label non-white people as “coloreds” but it is OK to say they are “…of color” or to label them according to their actual color. Not speaking for anybody else, but this off-white-creamy-pinkish-grey writer is more dumbfounded every day by the verbal minefield that is political-correctness].

Meanwhile, back in the real world, workplace discrimination exists; women being paid less than their male counterparts, for doing the same work, is a real thing; women being denied most of the rights enjoyed by men is a condition that exists – in many non-Christian countries. Women have achieved so much and, yet, have still not attained complete parity with men. Do women truly deserve to be rewarded equally for doing the same work as men? Of course, they do. Is the input and influence of women important in every aspect of modern human society? Again, it is undeniable. The feminist left, however, would have us believe that such statements are mere pipe dreams that all women must band together, in order to attain.

It is, simply, another element in the progressive divide-and-conquer strategy; pitching black (or brown) against white, man against woman, heterosexual against…well…against a growing list of alternative sexual identities, the poor against the rich – except rich leftists.

The left deliberately downplays the achievements of women – particularly American women. As laid out on the website of public policy organization Concerned Women for America (CWA), the Global Economic Forum ranks the U.S. eighth, globally, in gender equality. Some further statistics from the site should make for inspirational reading for most women.

The U.S. has the highest proportion of women in senior management positions (43 percent) of any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (women comprise 47 percent of the U.S. labor force); 24 percent of working American women are in professional fields (compared to only 16 percent of working American men); 46 percent of American firms are owned or co-owned by women.

Interestingly, the field of academia – a field so steeped in progressive thinking, if one can excuse the oxymoron – shows a far less impressive record of gender equality. According to statistics cited by CWA, 47 % of law school students, but only 21% of law school deans, are women. 48 % of medical school graduates are women, yet they make up only 13 % of medical school deans and department chairs.

The achievements of women go far beyond these statistics, of course. Some of the world’s most effective political leaders were women; Queen Boudica, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clin…ok, scratch that last one.

To any woman who values self-determination – be she a mother and homemaker or a corporate executive – the message from the feminist left is both insulting and condescending. The idea that a woman needs such a movement or be forever under the heel of her male oppressor is a ridiculous notion.

What women have left to achieve, they are quite capable of achieving without such arrogant patronization.


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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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