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Results for "progressives"

Politics and Broken Promises

Politics and Broken Promises

A Republican vote may not get you the unfettered freedom you hoped for, but a Democrat vote is always a vote to surrender your first and second amendment rights at the very least. Once those are gone, what liberty remains?

The Shattering of Hillary Clinton, Part 2

The Shattering of Hillary Clinton, Part 2

Editor’s Note: This is the second of a two-part series on the shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. It features a conversation on Liberty Nation Radio with Amie Parnes, co-author of the definitive book on the Clinton campaign, Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.

100 Days of Liberty Nation

100 Days of Liberty Nation

The first hundred days for President Donald Trump are identical to the first hundred days of this website, aptly and assiduously named Liberty Nation. So, to paraphrase the late Admiral James Stockdale when tapped as the Vice-Presidential running mate to Ross Perot: Who are we? Why are we here?

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

New Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez has had a bit of a tough weekend in the world of social media. His statement, Friday, about the party’s stance on abortion – and his implied intention to withhold support from pro-life candidates – has effectively alienated many democrat voters and even several elected Democratic politicians. His statement also represents the party’s continued shift to the extreme left.