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Mothers are Now Birthing People Because Humanity is Overrated

Mother's Day appears to be in danger of becoming another target of the left's 'woke' - and entirely unscientific - cancel culture.

by | May 9, 2021 | Articles, Culture Rot

Men cannot have babies. This is a biological fact. It’s science – and one would have thought that progressives, who always claim to “believe in science,” would understand this. The species of mammal commonly known as humans was created, or evolved, or was designed – depending on your beliefs – in such a way that only females possess the organic apparatus necessary for the incubation and birth of offspring. Once a human female gives birth – indeed, once a human female becomes pregnant – she becomes a mother. Each year in America, and in many other countries, mothers are celebrated on a day inventively known as Mother’s Day. It’s a ridiculous concept, of course, since mothers should be celebrated every day. Hallmark, chocolate manufacturers, and florists have got to make a buck somehow, though, so here we are.

To put cynicism aside for a moment, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there, who have many things in common – one of which is that they are all females.

Science or Gibberish?

Given this indisputable fact, that only female humans can give birth, why would a member of Congress – a person elected to help craft the laws by which Americans live, no less – use the words “birthing people”? It sounds crazy, and it is. Nevertheless, during a May 6 speech on Capitol Hill, Missouri Congresswoman (or, perhaps, Congressperson) Cori Bush (D) chose to describe women as “birthing people.” Later that day, Bush used the same term on Twitter, writing: “Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don’t believe our pain.”

There’s a lot to unpack from the use of the term “birthing people.” The first question that springs to mind, of course, is who on God’s green earth decided that they wanted Cori Bush to represent them in Congress? Amusingly enough, if Bush’s purpose was to show how woke she is by using “gender-neutral” language, then she failed epically. In her speech to Congress, she was entirely unable to remain gender-neutral:

”I sit before you today as a single mom, as a nurse, as an activist, congresswoman, and I am committed to doing the absolute most to protect black mothers, to protect black babies, to protect black birthing people, and to save lives.”

These words fall into the category of verbal communication known to linguistic experts as “gibberish.” There is barely a word, here, that makes any sense. “I sit before you today… “ In all likelihood, Bush was standing when she delivered these remarks, so that’s strike one. “… as a single mom… “ Not gender-neutral enough. Is Bush not a “birthing person”? Strike two. “… a nurse… “ Strike three, since Bush is now a congressperson and not working as a nurse, one can assume. Then again, perhaps she just meant that she is a qualified nurse, so, to be fair, still strike two. “… as an activist, congresswoman… “ There’s that gender-specific language again. She also goes on to use the word “mothers.” Not cool – and definitely not woke enough. Strike three.

The War on Humanity

However, there is something far more disturbing about the choice to refer to women as “birthing people.” The very core of our humanity is our sex. We are men, or we are women. We were designed – by God, or by nature – to fulfill different purposes. Human beings are notoriously – and gloriously – difficult to control, unpredictable, headstrong, passionate, creative, ridiculous, kind, funny, caring, selfish, and sometimes downright unfathomable. Every one of those characteristics scares the living daylights out of progressives, for how do you control such volatile creatures? You do it by stripping them of their humanity; by brainwashing them into believing that none of them are special or exceptional – or individual. Thus, the all-out progressive war on sexual identity.

[bookpromo align=”left”]As human society itself has evolved, the traditional roles of men and women have evolved along with it. Today, it is not unusual for some men to take on the role of homemakers and even to assume most of the parental duties. Many women are now working in every field once considered the preserve of men. There’s really nothing wrong with any of this until we start to believe that there is literally no biological difference between men and women. In the eyes of the religious person, to believe such a thing goes against God’s law. In the eyes of the true scientist, to believe it is to completely disregard chemical and biological reality. In the eyes of the rest of us, it’s just plain nuts – or perhaps a lack thereof.

So, Happy Birthing People Day? No, Happy Mother’s Day, even to Cori Bush – with a heartfelt wish that she is able to retain some of her own humanity.


Read more from Graham J. Noble.


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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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