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Mitt Romney: New Lawn Jockey for the Left?

Just when you thought the never-Trump faction of the Republican Party had been dismissed in disgrace with the sullen retirements of Senators Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Bob Corker(R-TN), along comes the loser of the 2012 presidential election to willingly serve as the useful establishment idiot the left desires as its new house pet. Or better yet, its new lawn jockey.

Yes, before even being sworn in to his new position as U.S. senator from Utah, Mitt Romney buddied up to the leader of the Resistance, The Washington Post, and delivered a broadside at the man who was able to accomplish what he could not – win the presidency. Happy New Year. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…driven by undiluted revenge and envy.[/perfectpullquote]

Evidently fancying himself as a paragon of virtue, the title of Romney’s op-ed ends with “Trump’s Character Falls Short.” We’re left to wonder who died and put Mitt in charge of the character police.

As the nation turned its lonely eyes to the failed presidential nominee and fake conservative, breathlessly awaiting his verdict, Romney delivered: “(Trump’s) conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions last month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office.”

Then, he proceeded to lecture us with soaring rhetoric – and a bottomless cup of highfalutin clichés – on what a president is supposed to be: “To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow ‘our better angels.’ A president should demonstrate the essential qualities of honesty and integrity, and elevate the national discourse with comity and mutual respect.”

But Romney wasn’t done: “Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world.” Yes, those globalists running Europe into the ground with their socialist-lite, low-growth, high-unemployment economies do not approve of the 45th president. Shame about that.

As Romney concluded his rant – essentially a rinse-and-repeat of his unfortunate 2012 campaign – he offers up the final flowers for the bouquet he has thrown to the swamp establishment to assure that, unlike the president, he’s on the A-list for all the right social events: “I will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant …”

Mitt Romney

Like moths to the flame, and as sure as the sun rising in the east, the leftist media that savaged Romney in 2012 is now anointing him as a Christ-like figure. They can barely contain their glee. The best example is the exchange between TDS victim Mika Brzezinski and longtime leftist media regular Walter Isaacson on MSNBC’s Morning Joe/Joke:

Mika: Do you think (Romney) creates a space for voiceless, spineless Republicans?

Walter: Absolutely. Mitt Romney is everything Donald Trump isn’t. He’s deeply moral, a very kind person, someone with a sense of civic duty and civility …

So I guess that’s it. If Trump can’t pass the Romney character test, he ought to resign right now. No point in even waiting for the Mueller report, which, of course, is sure to be fair and balanced.

Seriously though, why did Romney run for the Senate six years after everyone assumed, per General Douglas MacArthur, he would just fade away, like the old soldiers who never die? And why in God’s name did he decide to gratuitously demonize his own president?

Well, consistent with his Hillary-like refusal to get the message from voters and leave the stage with some semblance of dignity, ol’ Mitt decided he would snatch the low-hanging fruit of a Senate seat in the most Republican state in the nation – a platform to unleash his transparently vengeful reprisals against a president who said Romney “choked” in 2012. Mr. Mitt apparently felt that his scurrilous attacks on the nominee of his own party in 2016 did not complete his hit job.

Maybe he did this because Trump made a fool of him by dangling the job of Secretary of State, forcing Romney to kiss the ring and say nice things before dismissing him with the wave of his hand – much to the relief of Trump supporters who view Romney as the embodiment of everything that was wrong with the GOP.

Just like John McCain, the GOP presidential nominee who preceded him (“not my kind of hero,” said Trump) and got shellacked in 2008, Romney appears driven by undiluted revenge and envy. Or by resentment that the country thoroughly rejected his classic establishment countenance and platform. Conservatives, always wary of Romney, held their noses and voted for him, but it was hardly enough because most of the country was unmoved by the wooden soldier act.

Or Romney may be desperately seeking a too little too late, Sally Fields-like affirmation from his party – you like me, you like me. Good luck with that.

Trump’s approval among GOP voters sits at roughly 90% – equal or greater than Ronald Reagan. And Americans don’t much care for sore losers. This washed-up relic of the bad old days of GOP loserdom will soon learn that no one, other than the Trump-deranged media, actually cares what he thinks anymore.

Welcome to six years of Mitt Romney, the left’s new lawn jockey.


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