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The Maxine Waters Twisted Truth Award

by | Dec 31, 2017 | Politics

When it comes to twisting the truth, few can mangle a mouthful quite like California’s own Aunty Maxine. Who could forget when she said at an LGBT event that “with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight!” Of course, she told CNN and the world that she meant impeachment. Insane, she made it seem, that she really meant physical violence. After all, it’s not like she made her remark during an impassioned event, nowhere near Congress, and that she said she would do it “tonight” – during the graveyard shift of Congress, no doubt. It is for this reason that Liberty Nation chose to dedicate this prestigious award in her honor.

So who draws nearest to achieving her heights of hubris, her summit of sanctimony? Well, the first silver-tongued devil to come to mind is Senator Al Franken (D-MN), who, in the face of numerous allegations of sexual abuse and even photographic evidence, promised to resign – eventually. His smooth avoidance of giving a hard date left him in the prime position to continue his work in Congress while casting the illusion of taking the moral high ground. Yet his tangled skein of shamelessness lacks the blatant defiance to truly rise above. His claims that he remembered things differently were simply soft as denials – flaccid, if you will.

What of Obama, Hillary, and friends and their charge of Russian collusion against Donald Trump? They not only invented a crime – collusion only applies in antitrust law – they were uncovered as being far guiltier of their imagined crime than Trump! Their own shady dealings with Russia aside, they had to collude with a foreign agent to manufacture the now mostly debunked Trump Dossier. Yet the whole Russiagate narrative lacks a certain pizazz.  It’s quite the prevarication, but it ain’t perfect. Besides, how to split one award so many ways?

They signed the Constitution but evidently didn’t read it.

No, there is only one who is truly deserving of Aunty Maxine’s title, though we haven’t heard much from him lately – one man who had the creativity and courage to contrive such colossal chicanery. Not only did he falsely accuse President Trump of violating the very Constitution itself, but he invented a new meaning for the word emoluments to do so – a new definition that would have rendered so many former presidents just as guilty, including George Washington and James Madison, the two presidents who signed the Constitution. If contorting the Constitution and fleecing our Framers isn’t brazen enough, he was just as guilty by his own measure.

Ladies, gentlemen, and gender-benders, I am honored to award this year’s Maxine Waters Twisted Truth Award to none other than Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)! Congratulations Mr. Senator. You’ve truly made hubris and hypocrisy great again, and we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the year to come.


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James Fite


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