The European Parliament has passed controversial internet legislation that will force online publishers to take...
First Amendment
Border Patrol and the First Amendment – A Sticky Wicket
Leaked CBP documents resurrects the age-old question: Can there be a balance between security and liberty?
Google Teams Up With Swamp Establishment to Co-Opt Conservatism
CPAC sponsorship aimed at cutting grassroots off at the knees.
Chelsea Who? Manning Imprisonment Downgraded to a Non-Story
In this age of government secrecy and conspiracies, it is sad a whistleblower is confined to the back page.
WaPo Walking Back Covington Kids Hit Job
Editor’s note in wake of lawsuit downplays paper’s deliberate recklessness.
So Long, Free Speech – Twitter Now Enforcing Sharia Law
Why did Twitter, an American company, warn Michelle Malkin, an American citizen, that an old post of hers violates Pakistani law?
UC Berkeley Attack – Uncovering the Narrative
A conservative student was violently attacked for his political beliefs – or was he?
Thin-Skinned Leftists Clamor For Internet Censorship in America
Free speech has to go when feelings come into play.
No Escape From Police’s Facial Recognition Software
With little permission or oversight, police use facial recognition to find suspects and track the public.