Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, an illegal alien from Mexico, shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle on a San Francisco pier in 2015. Zarate’s trial concluded Thursday evening with a verdict that will surely, and swiftly, come back to haunt those on the radical Left who pretend to fight for the supposed rights of people who flout America’s immigration laws.
Inexplicably, the vagrant, who had previously been deported from the United States on five occasions, was acquitted on all charges but felony possession of a weapon.
While the facts of the case made a murder conviction unlikely – and, in reality, unwarranted – the failure of the jury to return a guilty verdict on the lesser charges of involuntary manslaughter, or even assault, will have consequences far beyond the understanding of those who will, likely, celebrate the outcome of the trial.
Ideology Over Justice
The reality is that Zarate was spared a conviction of killing Steinle because the jurors chose to make a decision based on ideology, rather than facts. There can be no other rational explanation. They refused to punish a man for his crimes because that man was an illegal alien, because he was Mexican and because he killed a white, American woman. Had Zarate been a white American male named Johnson, he would now, almost certainly, be facing many more years of incarceration.
As if further proof were needed of how far the conclusion of this trial distorts the very bounds of rationality, the jury accepted the defense’s argument that the gun went off in the defendant’s hands. Contrary to the Left’s constant insistence that firearms possess the capacity for independent thought and action, a gun has no ability to fire of its own accord. In the hand of a human being, a gun will only ever fire when pressure is applied to the trigger. Typically, this pressure is applied to it by a human finger. The chances of said gun ‘going off’ without human interaction are zero.
Trial Verdict Will Hurt Illegal Immigrants
In addition to proving how little regard California’s progressives have for human life, this travesty of justice also highlights how insincere the Left’s concerns about gun violence really are. Those who oppose Second Amendment rights constantly produce statistics citing gun-related deaths that include suicides and accidental shootings. This particular ‘accidental’ shooting, however, does not seem worthy of concern.
Zarate’s legal issues are not yet entirely resolved. One thing is all but certain, however: This sad example of humanity is blissfully unaware that his escape from justice will, almost certainly, take a heavy toll on the millions of illegal immigrants currently in the United States. Emotions will run higher than ever before; President Donald Trump, with the enthusiastic support of those who propelled him to the White House, will redouble efforts to remove as many illegals from U.S. soil as quickly as possible. Trump’s insistence on the necessity of a border wall will become much harder to resist.
Kate Steinle was an innocent woman killed by an illegal alien who repeatedly ridiculed America’s laws with impunity. Her memory will become the best weapon the Right has in its fight to preserve the sovereignty of the United States.
As if this legal dumpster fire couldn’t get any worse for the Left, the case will be revisited on many future occasions when individuals face criminal prosecution for killing other people with guns. There is now a precedent for the legally acceptable argument that an armed person is not necessarily responsible for a fatal shooting.
Even legal gun owners can now breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that, should they ever be faced with the awful necessity of killing someone, a sharp defense attorney can show that guns do indeed kill without their handlers’ intent.
Zarate was no stone-cold killer. Nevertheless, he will face no punishment for taking the life of Kate Steinle. In a trial that was politically charged from the very beginning – before the president ever remarked on it – the side that believes it scored a victory will soon discover how badly it misjudged the outcome.
This one illegal immigrant from Mexico, through his selfish and reckless disregard for human life, has done more to jeopardize the sanctuary provided to millions of illegals than years of nationalistic speeches could ever do.