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Hunter Biden’s Fake News Gig at Tulane

Will Jill pack his lunch and buy him a new laptop?

Tulane University is adding a class to their diverse political science curriculum featuring high-profile guest lecturers on the status of the media and its effects on policymaking in the nation’s capital. Yes, it is 2021, and what better way to get to the root of the indoctrination plant by coming up with a “Fake News” class featuring folks who work and promote – according to the 45th president of these United States – fake news. Tulane is touting its fall semester course POLA 3010 — Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts. With a stellar lineup of speakers who, some might argue, possess the most comprehensive insights on the subject.

The lineup of “fake news” lecturers includes Susan Glasser from The New Yorker, Kylie Atwood of CNN, Juan Williams of Fox News, Dr. Deborah Birx, and a couple of representatives of high-profile news outlets in New York City and Washington, D.C.

Oh, and Hunter Biden. The one and only son of the 46th president. I kid you not.

What’s Up, Tulane? Need More Students?

A prestigious academic stronghold, Tulane University has popped out a plethora of notables like Amy Carter, Andrew Breitbart, and former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. And let us not forget one of the most distinguished journalists of the 20th century, Howard K Smith: who is possibly having a grave meltdown over this entire situation. Of course, the poly-sci department must have done due diligence on creating the lineup for the “Fake News” class.

The university describes the treat awaiting students to experience with this teaser of a course description:

“America’s rapidly advancing partisan divide is fueled substantially by the growing political polarization increasingly evident in our news media. This course will explore the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news, and the economics of the news business impact public policymaking in Washington, DC.”

Exhibit one: the 2020 election? Russia, Russia, Russia, or how we hide the sausage for prominent Leftists? And you may have already surmised: there was a tad bit of an uproar over Mr. Biden’s son lecturing in any environment except a 12-step program. Thus, Tulane has posted this disclaimer on their website:

“The online course … is new for fall 2021 and will be co-taught by Andrew Schwartz, who is the Chief Communications Officer for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a bipartisan think tank. The course will include several unpaid, high-profile guest speakers from across the political and policy spectrum. Hunter Biden will be participating as a guest speaker – not a guest teacher or lecturer.”

Blah, blah, blah … still, a guest speaker to admire and provide with a bully pulpit.

That Damn Laptop Is Killing His Buzz

Young master Biden has rarely spoken of his notorious laptop, since others have done the job for this wildly misunderstood recovering drug addict. But in a recent and unusual sit-down with one network news outlet, Biden let fly this gem of an explanation (Note the similar style to Daddy Joe).

“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was then — that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me. Or that there was a laptop stolen from me.”

The smooth oration of this family boggles the mind. Perhaps if this academic course is a success, Tulane and other secular institutions could carve out a spot for Hunter in other departments. A partial list for new course titles might be: Caring for an elderly parent with cognitive issues; remembering where not to leave damaging evidence; the benefits of foot sex; why avoiding your brother’s widow makes sense. The list is nearly inexhaustible. Heck, the whole army of leftists could easily “guest speak” on various subjects that college students will eagerly digest.

But for now, we have a stint in educating young minds on the subject of “Fake News” and how the American media addresses the scourge of this latest pox to plague the electorate.

Will they offer audit-only seats available? It may be well worth the drive to Louisiana. And don’t forget your laptop.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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