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Heartlanders Have No Love for Gun Control or the Fake News Media

There’s a lot of talk about gun control – but what about the shooter being a Trump-hating, Biden-loving lunatic from Syria?

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Columns, Second Amendment

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

The incoherent blathering of the lunatic fringe triad – consisting of pols, self-described celebs, and the drive-by media – escalated to carefully critiqued and cagey caterwauling over the Second Amendment this week. After a continued simmering in the Swamp’s backrooms, the topic of gun control was brought to a rolling boil with the shooting in Boulder, Colorado. Democratic politicians thrust themselves in front of the press, grabbing every available microphone to call for gun confiscation, and overpaid pundits ignored facts to sway their fickle audience further.

Heartlanders and Flyover Folks went shopping. In between firearm purchases – and the all-consuming hunt for ammunition – the good people in red states also went about educating friends and frenemies across media platforms and at the local Tractor Supply and Sportsmen Shop, filling in the factual aspects of the Boulder story left out of the mimeographed “use this version” stories distributed by the left.

We’ve heard this rabble-rousing before and will likely continue the good fight to protect the Bill of Rights now that socialist-leaners are firmly implanted in two of the three government branches – and there is debate about the third being a tad unbalanced as well.

Twitter, the online arbiter of discourse, did not release their fact-checking hounds as posts flooded the platform with “white Christian terrorists” because it doesn’t violate the misinformation policies. And Mr. Biden from behind the podium was quick to act: “I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take commonsense steps that will save the lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act.”

Is anyone at all surprised? Here we go again.

Boulder’s Bluff Fails

In 2018, Boulder’s city government passed a resolution that criminalized the sale and possession of some semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns – along with bump stocks and magazines holding more than ten rounds. Of course, lawsuits ensued, but the intent remained. Violation of the ordinance carries a hefty $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail. Yet a Syrian-born, Trump-hating, Biden-loving liberal somehow managed to get a hold of a semi-automatic weapon six days before murdering ten people due to a court hold on specific firearms.

But no one is talking about the 21-year-old Muslim and now terrorist: Headlines have steered clear of ethnicities and ideologies. Well, except the people who are addicted to facts in the Heartland, like Mr. Mike McGee in Utah. He talked. A lot:

“Syrian born immigrant, lots of trouble in the past several years, on the FBI watch list. Stringent gun laws in Colorado and, more specifically, Boulder. A Muslim. A published (FB) Trump hater and an ardent Biden fan (also FB). They were known as someone with a violent temper by friends, classmates, wrestling coaches, and family. How many red flags does it take before the left decides to intervene before a mass murder occurs? It’s clear to me that they let this stuff slide until the unthinkable occurs. Why? So that they can make hay out of tragedy– while they shred the constitution.”

Coloradan George Reid was a tad more succinct as he reminded all: “Don’t forget to mention a family that knew he was bat—t crazy, saw him ‘playing with a machine gun’ and did not do one single thing to stop this.”

But one Heartlander decided to take the edge off the debate and focus on the new leader of the free world, who has demonstrated his zest for unity and the vim and vigor of an 80-year-old man: “If you want to keep Biden from taking your guns, just keep them upstairs.”

The Good Will Triumph Over the Evil

Whether or not citizens should be armed has been a hot topic for as long as rulers have feared those they rule over. In America, there should be no debate. All citizens – barring neon red flags of mental instability or violent convictions – should be allowed to fulfill the duty of the militia: to be at all times armed and ready. Despite a few bad apples, the orchard is still careful, lawful, and compassionate.

Heartlanders are just that – but also alarmed at the situation this nation faces, thanks in part to who we have crafting and passing laws. But they also channel the words of many who have fought in the halls of Congress. Especially true this week are the words of Representative Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who from the floor in 1789 spoke clearly these words: “Whenever governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

Also on the tongues of the debating flyover folks were the words of Thomas Paine, who wisely stated: “The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe.”

And we want the invader and plunderer in awe. But it seems Mr. Biden is bound and determined to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.


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