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Heartland Abuzz as Cruz Courts Cortez and Trump Stirs the Pot

Cruz and Cortez team up, California dumps the homeless for illegals, and the president stirs the pot.

by | Jun 14, 2019 | Columns, Opinion, Politics

While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

As Midwesterners begin hallucinating circling seagulls over sodden and submerged fields, folks in Texas are reeling as Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Representative Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) form an uncomfortable alliance and confused Californians wonder why their government hates them.  Toss in the president’s controversial remarks on foreign intel, and it’s a political week of epic chills and spills infused with snarks, biting commentary, and a few hallelujahs and an Amen or two.

Cruz and Cortez

Earlier this week, buoyed by positive – albeit suspicious – press accounts, Cruz held out another olive branch to Ocasio-Cortez, seemingly swallowing back a cupful of bile as he tweeted:

“Perhaps, in addition to the legislation we are already working on together to ban Members of Congress from becoming lobbyists, we can team up here as well.  A simple, clean bill making birth control available over the counter. Interested?”

Nothing like dangling a juicy tidbit of easily digestible issue, relevant today, in front of the toothy and winsome girl-power Congresswoman.  Ocasio-Cortez was eerily silent for a beat and then tweeted, “Birth control should be over-the-counter, pass it on.” It was a gotcha moment for AOC as her party is rabidly against such nonsense because Planned Parenthood told them to stand down – and we all know they listen attentively to the money-making organization.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

But that didn’t stop commenters from giving out unsolicited advice.

From Colorado Springs, CO, Patti Nelson wished Cruz well in his endeavor. “Good luck with that, Ted. She is so full of herself, nothing less than what she demands will satisfy her. But go right ahead and try….hahaha.”

Paul Hays wasn’t sugar coating his views whatsoever: “But Planned Parenthood would go bankrupt with no baby parts to sell.” But from Delaware, Gerald Maynes, a retired factory man, dialed down the snarks with a succinct “Nut job.”  And it was assumed he did not mean Cruz.

California Asks, WTH?

In a move that surprised no one living in a place we call reality, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrat state lawmakers are about to give away the farm to low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 residing in the state – illegally.  The program would cost $98 million a year and, considering the massive numbers of sick and homeless Californians, is utterly irresponsible.

It’s a head scratcher, alright.

Herschel Walker, who played 12 seasons in the NFL, tweeted his disapproval with the plan. “Not to point fingers at California, but why would you give free healthcare to illegal immigrants when your streets are littered with homeless legal residents, trash, and tents. California is a beautiful place, so let’s keep it that way.”

Although Walker declined to use his spell check feature, his tweet resonated with Americans.  Well, most Americans.

Arizona millennial Rene Angel Rodriguez felt compelled to rail at Walker and whatever conservative might be lurking on the Facebook post and waded in with this gem: “Hey, Republicans do not believe in handouts or welfare so……yeah.”  And he was swiftly dealt a smackdown from, of all people, Canadian Bernard Shakey, who had Rodriguez seeking a safe place, “For citizens only now go clean up isle 3.”

Who would have thought Canadians could be so bold and American-like?

Eventually, the conversation steered into the sidelines as commenters argued on who was the better football legend, Walker or Johnny Unitas.

Stirring the Pot

The Pot Stirrer-in-Chief let fly in an interview with ABC News that if he were offered intel on an opponent from a foreign national would he want to hear it.  “I think I’d want to hear it. There’s nothing wrong with listening.”

Oh boy.  But amidst the Democrats’ cries for impeaching and the wails of the presidential wannabes trying to make hay out the comment, only one contributor stood out by offering a bi-partisan view.  Terry Lang, from the great state of Tennessee, asked, “Who wouldn’t want to listen? No one would turn that down.”

Perhaps the intense snarkiness by many this week is due to the never-ending pounding storms, torrential rains, and spring-like chaotic weather rolling across the nation that is keeping folks on edge.  Heck, even the Noah’s Ark attraction in Kentucky finally had to resort to un-Godly tactics in filing suit against their insurance carrier for, rather ironically, flood damage.  No wonder everyone is on edge this week.


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