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As Democratic National Committee activists took to the streets of the Nation’s capital, behind the shield of a small group of teenagers, a modest assemblage of anti-gun proponents gathered across the Midwest to encourage additional restrictions for law-abiding gun owners.
Billed as a grassroots, nationwide, protest initiated by the survivors of the recent Margery Stoneman mass shooting, it was more of a public relations stunt executed by spotlight seekers. And a clear majority of residents in the Heartland saw right through the smokescreen.
At the courthouse in Indianapolis, a few thousand people stood as snow streaked from the sky to listen to speakers; a mixture of inner city students and adults working in non-profits. Unlike other marches on Saturday, they were more focused on gun violence in Indianapolis and against people of color.
Tatjana Rebelle, an intern with American Friends Service Committee, reminded the crowd that Parkland students, and those marching today, were fully supportive of Black Lives Matter. “We must not only show up when white bodies are on the line, but we must demand an end to violence that plagues black and brown communities.” This is not a joint venture that will sit well with folks in the middle America, and especially Britney, a twenty-something waitress at a small-town diner:
“Of course school shootings need to be eliminated. Violence against innocence is unacceptable in America. So tell that to the creeps who rape and rob and kill across our large urban areas…because I guarantee you will not find that behavior tolerated in the small and rural towns in my Indiana. Stop trying to find someone else to blame except the criminals first. Take their guns away and throw them behind bars. I don’t care what color they are, if their parents divorced or whatever a criminal is.”
Other urban enclaves across the prairie flatland drew a thousand here and there, but none came close to the crowds of the big three; Los Angeles sold tickets and drew 10,000, New York weighed in with a possible 100,000 and Sir Paul McCartney, and Chicago contributed 80,000. And only 10% could be accredited to students fed up with politics.
Another multi-million-dollar stage production brought to you by George Soros, Planned Parenthood, and the Democratic National Committee.
Brent Taylor, 51, of Kansas City was on hand for his state’s event and angered the crowd by sporting Trump attire. But he wasn’t attempting to decry the students first Amendment rights. “I’m against banning guns. I’m against gun violence, too.”
Most of the Heartland agrees with Taylor. These students, exercising their rights today, may finally learn the civil discourse and government lessons our education system has radically failed to provide – our American Constitution most notably. But the constant barrage of insolent teenagers, cussing at their parents on news programs, name calling those who they disagree with, or sporting communist attire while preaching about their inalienable American liberties, is ineffectual. Those who vote have simply had enough of their antics and have tuned them out. America is desensitized to the hysterics of the Liberals and will head to the polls in a few months and reintroduce the lefties to authentic protest results by their votes. Let wailing begin.