January 6, 2021 shall live on in infamy – whether it’s merited or not. On that fateful day, a crowd of angry protestors swarmed the U.S. Capitol Building, overwhelmed law enforcement, and massacred … well, no one. But the narrative built up by Democrats and their media minions paints a picture of armed insurrection – a bloody revolution that was only barely stopped in time to prevent the wholesale slaughter of all those within the hallowed halls of Congress. And, precisely as expected, left-wing politicians spent the day reminiscing about the harrowing event, comparing it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. They made a day of it, too, and even President Joe Biden got in on the action. It’s a new holiday for the left – one to be celebrated with hyperbole, false equivalence, victim signaling, and virtue signaling.
Merry Christmas, Democrats!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said it best during a Thursday morning press conference:
“Today is gonna be – I mean, honestly, I’m not gonna watch any of it – but you’re gonna see the D.C./New York media … I mean, this is their Christmas, January 6, okay? They are going to take this and milk this for anything they could to try to be able to smear anyone who supported Donald Trump.”
And speaking of Christmas, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) gave the folks across the aisle a gift they can treasure. “We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week,” Cruz said at a Senate Rules Committee hearing Wednesday, Jan. 5. “And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol, where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery, risk their lives to defend the men and women who served in this Capitol.” Of course, the present he gave them on “Jan. 6 Eve,” if you will, was hardly new. He previously referred to the event as a terrorist attack on multiple occasions last year. Speaking with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the Texas lawmaker backtracked on his earlier statements, noting, “As a result of my sloppy phrasing, it’s caused a lot of people to misunderstand what I meant.”
The Democrats shared in the festive spirit of giving as well. “I think it’s appropriate to point out one person who I think has shown a great deal of moral courage, someone who stood up for the country at great personal cost, and that’s Liz Cheney,” Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) gushed. Cheney, a Republican representative from Wyoming, of course, has been more than generous to the left. Like Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Cheney has been a rabid anti-Trumper, voted to impeach the former president, and gleefully took a seat on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) January 6 Committee. Speaking of Kinzinger, the Illinois representative offered the left a promise of future relevance, calling Jan. 6, 2021 a “dry run for January 2024.”
Hypocrisy and Hyperbole
Speaker Pelosi led a moment of silence on the House Floor Thursday to mark, as Yahoo! News’ Dylan Stableford put it, “the first anniversary of the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.” Deadly only for one of the many unarmed protesters, of course – but still technically deadly. “One year ago, the Capitol and those who work within in were targeted in a violent insurrection that sought to undermine democracy,” Pelosi lamented. The ceremony was attended mostly by Democrats, but Reps. Kinzinger and Cheney were there as well.
The House speaker then went on to hold a prayer vigil on the center steps of the Capitol. “We come before you because we need your help,” prayed Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church. “We need your help in these troubled times. We need your help for this beloved nation. We need your help for those who have been traumatized and troubled by the painful events of one year ago and all that has continued since.”
“We prayerfully mark one year since the insurrection and patriotically honor the heroes who defended the Capitol and our democracy that day,” Pelosi said. “Let us all here join in a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives and sacrificed so much for our democracy that day.” Since only one person was killed at the Capitol Jan. 6, 2021, one could assume Pelosi was praying for Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed Trump supporter shot dead by a Capitol police officer.
Speaking of hypocrisy, former President Bill Clinton – a man well known for his incorruptible integrity – admonished Republicans for continuing to “spread the lie that the 2020 election was stolen, to sow distrust in our system, and to make it harder to cast a ballot and easier for partisan legislatures to overturn free and fair elections.” Clinton continued, saying, “If we are going to save our democracy, we all have a responsibility to act now – to stop violence and start seeing one another as equally deserving of full citizenship, life, liberty, opportunity, and a voice and a vote that can be cast and counted.”
And of course, it isn’t a proper liberal celebration without exaggeration bordering on complete fabrication! Who better than the vice president to deliver the false equivalence to Pearl Harbor – when 2,403 Americans died – and 9/11 – when 3,000 lives were lost – both in what could easily be considered actual terrorist attacks? “Certain dates echo throughout history,” she declared, “including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendar, but a place in our collective memory. December 7, 1941, September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021.”
But Nothing Trumps the Donald
Oh, the big, bad, orange boogeyman. Joe Biden gave a speech Jan. 6 in which he referred to his predecessor many times. In classic Harry Potter fashion, Biden refuses to actually speak the name of his nemesis – perhaps for fear of drawing the dark lord’s attention – but he clearly laid the blame at the former president’s feet all the same.
As much as the left loves bashing Republicans in general, nothing can trump the Donald. “For the first time in our history,” Biden said, “a president had not just lost an election. He tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob reached the Capitol.” Those people “didn’t come here out of patriotism or principle, not in service of America,” but “rather, in service of one man,” Biden stated. One man who “created a web of lies about the 2020 election.” Why would a president of the United States encourage such behavior? According to Biden it’s because “His bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our Constitution.”
The president – who himself has on multiple occasions attempted to circumvent the constitutional restraints placed on his own power – explained that Trump did this “because he values power over principle, because he sees his own interest as more important than his country’s interest and America’s interest.” Let’s just skip asking the difference between those last two, shall we?
In the end, perhaps the greatest gift Democrats got was Trump – a figure, now near mythical, around which they can unite to focus their hatred. This was merely the first of what promises to be an annual celebration/lamentation for the left – and each year, the legend will grow.
~ Read more from James Fite.