Many people had bet on climate prophet Greta Thunberg to win the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, but instead, it was...
Poll: Educated Nations are Skeptical of Climate Alarmism
A recent YouGov poll shows that a surprisingly high percentage of the well-educated parts of the world is...
Countdown to Doom: Deconstructing Climate Hysteria – Part 2
Editor’s note: This is the second of a two-part series on climate change, featuring an exclusive interview with...
Amazon’s Alexa – More Ways to Invade Your Privacy
Like any decent feminist, Alexa is busting out of the home. Previously relegated to the kitchen, living room, or...
Climate Hysteria Is Damaging Children
Climate activist Greta Thunberg’s recent speech to the United Nations seemed to reveal a deeply troubled...
Trump Tamps Down the Light Bulb Hysteria – Thank God!
It is time to put an end to Thomas Edison’s legacy and blame him for the world’s demise in the next decade. That...
Holy Cow: You’re in for a Change of Diet
A UN panel has released the Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) where IPCC advises the world’s...
Spying on Americans the New Norm?
Amazon uses Alexa to gather intel inside the privacy of one’s home. Apple’s Siri is an aural voyeuristic stalker...
Tech’s Greatest Creation – And We’re Using It All Wrong
Ever since the earliest humans started recording their observations on the walls of caves, the images were spread...