Ever since the earliest humans started recording their observations on the walls of caves, the images were spread...
Gene Phillip
The Shortage of Skilled Craftsmen
Perhaps it has something to do with the progressive concept of a college degree for everyone.
Today’s Television: Death by a Thousand Cuts
The evolution of TV programming over the last 70 years leads me to believe that the end is near.
An Innovative Approach to 21st Century Healthcare
The idea of linking healthcare coverage to cell phone contracts might seem foolish, or even a joke, but the world today is unlike any era in the past.
Consumer Packaging and Energy Conservation
An Executive Order could be directed to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and would regulate food packaging, requiring that all containers be no larger than the minimum essential size to keep the product safe and intact. No plastic fillers, spacers, or empty gaps would be allowed in any package. No odd sized boxes or inflated Mylar bags designed for maximum visual display on store shelves. Additionally, the cost of the packaging should not exceed the necessary cost of the product it contains. In other words, 1ȼ worth of product should not come in a 15ȼ aluminum can or pressurized bulletproof wrapper — which takes two people with a box cutter to open – and then goes in the trash.
Virtues and Lies in School
From what I’ve witnessed in class, it seems truth-tellers have a lot of work ahead of them.
The Left’s Scientific Ignorance
If liberals believe in science as they claim, they should respect the lessons of science…that have evolved over time.
The Dangers of Education Innovation
It’s funny how “change” seems to be the solution to all the problems that didn’t exist.