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Campus Follies: Issues with “Gaymers”

by | Nov 5, 2017 | Columns

The video game industry reels in billions of dollars per year.  From Call of Duty to Skylander, friends and families across the U.S. gather to enjoy the pastime.  In typical far-left fashion, however, one graduate student recently published his thesis arguing that the activity promotes white male supremacy, displaying the brainwash taught to many in the university system.

Jeremy Omori is in the graduate Cultural Pedagogy program at the University of Arizona.  After years of effort, he finally published his graduate thesis entitled I am Queer. I am a Gamer. I am a Gaymer: Phenomenology of In/Exclusion of Gaymer Communities. Omori’s “sophisticated” piece of research documents how the hobby encourages “a space that privileges cis, heterosexual, and hypermasculine men while oppressing those who may not fit this mold.”

He goes on to state that such homosexual groups, humorously referred to as “gaymers,” encourage the privilege as most are white and thus inherently discriminatory towards minorities.

The Facts Don’t Fit

According to a poll by the Pew Research Center, all races are equally likely to game.  Also, when asked if such entertainment portrays minorities negatively, only about 10% of blacks, Hispanics, and whites agreed.  Furthermore, a study conducted by the Internet Advertising Bureau shows that females comprise approximately 50% of players.

Why would millions of Americans participate in the pastime if it supposedly perpetuates cis heterosexual white male supremacy?  The simple reply is that most Americans are luckily not hypersensitive as Omari and do not view racism and sexism as prevalent to every aspect of life.  In fact, the hobby most often embraces teamwork, and not prejudice.  There is also evidence that they may improve school grades and have the potential for medical benefits for military veterans, as noted by Liberty Nation.  According to Campus Reform, however, the graduate student states:

“Criticisms of cis male gamers in numerous gaming communities stating that they want their games to be about fun and not about real world politics are unknowingly still enforcing real world politics through the lens of privilege.”

The far-left decides to expend their energies on the factually incorrect and thereby encourage a sense of distrust and hostility among various races.  The truth is that the vast majority of whites are not out to get you.

Try Something Useful!

Perhaps the left could instead gather their drives into making changes regarding significant issues impacting women, minorities, and homosexuals, such as how many are gruesomely murdered and aggressively subjugated in other nations around the world.  I am confident that those receiving a death sentence in Saudi Arabia for their sexual orientation are unconcerned about the alleged struggles faced by “gaymers.”

While thousands of Americans attend universities in the hopes of obtaining a career about which they are passionate and will in the long run benefit society, it seems that college campuses are breeding some that are utterly unprepared for significant occupations.

As a Puerto Rican female, I refuse to buy into their manipulation for feeling oppressed by a piece of technological entertainment often used by five-year-olds.  Not to offend (we’d never want that, would we?), but if Omari feels wronged by the video game industry, he will doubtlessly experience shock once he enters reality outside of academia.

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