Oh California, how far must you slip before sliding off the planet all together? Taking your progressive liberal complaints and practices to adults is one thing, but forcing kids – kindergarteners at that – to go through a transition ceremony is beyond belief. But, that is exactly what happened at one school in the capital city of Sacramento.
The kindergarten teacher, whose name has not yet been released, decided she knows best when it comes to instructing students at Rocklin Academy Gateway Charter School on gender identity education. Parents were not informed of her intentions before she introduced a gender-dysphoric student to the class as a boy, then sent him off to change into a dress. When the child returned, the class was told to address her by her new name and to use the appropriate pronouns.
But the lesson didn’t stop there. Oh no. This is California, where just about anything goes – except for immigration control, but that’s another can of worms. The all-knowing teacher continued her self-approved education of the innocent minds in her class by reading two books not even in the curriculum. I Am Jazz and Red: A Crayon’s Story make transgender identities a reality and ‘normal’ using child speak, teaching our impressionable youth that they need to be even more confused in society than they are already.
As the National Review reported:
Many of the students reported being “deeply emotionally bothered and traumatized,” according to Jonathan Keller of California Family Council, a group that has been counseling the families about their rights.
Karen England with the Capital Resource Institute said: “The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl.”
Some parents had heart-wrenching stories to share. “My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” another parent said.
The teacher, of course, feels completely justified and defended her actions. “I’m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation,” she said.
To make matters even worse, if such is possible, a first-grade student at the same school was sent to the principal’s office for mistakenly calling a boy that identified as a girl the wrong pronoun.
Who is this teacher and others like her to determine how to teach young children such a controversial topic? At what age is it appropriate to start teaching our youth how to respond to those dealing with gender identity issues? And for sure, this is not the type of education that should be taught in school without parents’ knowledge. Certainly, four and five-year-olds are not mentally and emotionally equipped to handle such controversial and confusing societal issues. That a child at that early an age can actually grasp the significance as well as decide, logically, that they identify with a gender other than what they were born with is far-fetched.
Just because a young boy clops around the house in his mother’s high heels on occasion doesn’t mean he identifies with the female gender. He is young and mimicking his parents and other adults close to him, looking for attention, discovering the world, and just being a kid. Most children that age don’t really grasp the difference between genders anyway. Sure, they know they are a boy or a girl, but what that entails escapes them.
Kindergarteners are too young to be burdened with such a monumental and controversial issue. They are just developing and should be left alone to do so naturally, without the heavy-handed, self-righteous, egotistical left trying to force and mold them into their idea of a perfect, well-rounded, oppressed Democrat waiting to be told what to do next.