It took more than two centuries, but the British people now finally and fully understand what led their American subjects to take the radical step of declaring independence from the crown in 1776.
Exactly two years ago, June 23rd became England’s own July 4th. It was the day when rank and file Brits shocked the world by voting to separate from the European Union. And make no mistake – both the reason and emotion driving that rebellion were strikingly similar to those of uppity colonists across the pond who had the unmitigated audacity to declare their independence 240 years earlier. And much like their Americans cousins of old, British voters did so knowing the short-term consequences would not be pretty, that there would be hell to pay from the ruling class, but believing independence would be well worth it in the fullness of time. Brits and Americans alike exploited the one permanent loophole in the globalist vision of a new world order: the common man has the same number of votes as the powerful man: one.
Of course, there are differences between Brexit and the Declaration of Independence. England has not declared itself a newly independent nation. While Americans were seeking to establish their own sovereignty, Brits are seeking to restore theirs. But having reached the breaking point with arbitrary rule from a distant, unelected and unaccountable EU bureaucracy, the 21st century equivalent of what King George III represented to American colonists, the English people had their own “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore” moment which will, like the American Revolution, alter the course of world history.
But the effect of Brexit was not limited just to repeating history, but also to making it, because five months later Americans did something similarly unthinkable by electing Donald Trump. The bodacious and successful uprising from their cultural ancestors likely granted something of a permission for American voters to take drastic measures of their own by electing a candidate who promised to bring radical change to a system that had failed them from top to bottom for a long time.
Like their European allies, Brits have been heavily taxed by their overlords in Brussels. They have had to live by laws determined by faceless foreign bureaucrats they never elected. They have even been subject to the European Arrest Warrant, meaning that a person from another country can demand that a British citizen be arrested and expedited to their country to face charges – without the need for evidence to be presented first. The entrepreneurs of England live under Brussels’ oppressive regulatory yoke. But it all ends in March of 2019, when England’s formal split with the EU takes hold.
For Brits whose memories or enthusiasm for Brexit had started to fade, l’affaire de Tommy Robinson has served as a grim reminder of how their ruling elites have surrendered to the very same forces of political correctness in the post-modern globalist utopia that drove them to pull the lever for Brexit and kick the bums out in the first place. The spectre of an English government looking the other way while ghastly crimes targeting children were running rampant is bad enough on its face. But imprisoning a man who was simply spreading the news is downright chilling in a nation which gave the world the Magna Carta and the common law which serves as the very basis of western civilization.
Socialist Swamp
Of course, Britain is hardly alone on the matter of cultural and political degradation. Historic norms have been all but discarded throughout the European continent. Greece is known as the birthplace of democracy and cradle of western civilization, but has now been reduced to a bankrupt socialist swamp. Angela Merkel’s decision to accept millions of Islamic refugees has irreversibly altered Germany’s Teutonic culture. France and other nations have similarly witnessed the rise of walled-off ghettos populated by seething masses of unemployed immigrants living by standards very different than the prevailing historic cultures. And all the major capitals of Europe have been hit with brutal terrorist attacks.
All of this is the result of a loss of political will – or downright refusal – among the ruling class to defend their nations’ culture and politics from those who seek to transform both.
So, much like that ragtag band of rebels who incited, fought and won the American Revolution against all odds – and the Trump voters who staged their own pitchfork rebellion – the people of Britain took matters into their own hands and, in the famous words of William F. Buckley, stood athwart history and yelled stop. It was a cry certain to echo down through the ages.
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