Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders have decided to wash their hands of the current administration as hopes of unity and transparency in a government for the people flopped like a carp stranded on the shoreline of a slow-running freshwater stream. Having once thought the absence of former administration minions who grated the nerves might bring solace for a time was quickly dismissed by the new White House press secretary. And the same flyover folks wondered aloud why it had taken 18-months for the activist media to catch on to the subterfuge.
Same Difference
[substack align=”right”]As Jen Psaki finally left the West Wing for a better-paying spin job, a new face was presented to the nation as the mediator between the president and the people. Karine Jean-Pierre is a classic example of checking all the liberal boxes: black, female, and openly gay. Her own quirky procedure is where she appears to differ from the red-head – who seemed to use “circle back” as a strategy. Paraphrasing “I got nothing” is her roundabout way of not answering questions. In one briefing alone, Jean-Pierre repeatedly said, “I have nothing new to share,” sprinkled in with the comment that gives us all pause, “I haven’t spoken to the president.” And near every question had Jean-Pierre beginning with “I do not have any information…” Perchance is the newest shiny woke poster child for the progressive party twiddling her thumbs all day? Is she on vacation? As a spokesperson, one would normally stay in close proximity to the man for whom she speaks, right?
Craig Brittain in Arizona praised the new, improved press briefings, saying, “They saved time by not even bothering to pretend to circle back. Very efficient.” Another heartlander, Dale Metzner, offered the Biden Bunch a bit of advice: “Another one they should have sent to public speaking classes so they could stand up with confidence if they have to lie about everything. Stop hiring for diversity and not skill set.”
In New Albany, OH, Brad Lane mused about the presser, quoting Jean-Pierre: “’He has multiple issues at the moment…’ probably the most honest thing she said.” And everyone seemed to agree with that.

Joe Biden (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
Activist Media: Yeah, We Know He Said That
The heated debate in the Swamp is once again gun control. Sure, Americans needed a break from skyrocketing inflation, housing costs, and gas for the farm truck and SUV, so all attention was deftly turned towards the tragedy in Uvalde, TX, and the shooting of 21 people – primarily children. No one in this great nation wants to send children to school to be targets of deranged minds. No One. People are in the right to bring a discussion about securing classrooms and instituting policies that allow law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights. And the media pointed out what the president once said that he may or may not recall. On July 9, 1985, during the debate over the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA), then-Senator Joe Biden, as a Judiciary Committee member, sided with the National Rifle Association. His exact words were:
“During my 12 and a half years as a member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.”
Well, that’s inconvenient. And it also demonstrates what happens when you stay in the political game past your expiration date.
Casey O’Donnell didn’t think anyone on the left would care and clarified: “People change their opinions. Especially if they’re the type to sell out their country for power, fame, and wealth like Biden is. Besides, if the ‘racial jungle’ comment he made back in the day didn’t faze them, Leftists could care less about this.”
And that seems about right.