Think nothing is wrong with the Education system in America? Here is a stark wake-up call directly from students…
Leesa K. Donner
Chuck Schumer Makes an A** Out of Himself
The back story on this little charade is just too delicious not to pass on.
Divide & Conquer: Trump’s Strategy with the Media
Machiavelli used this as a military principle to weaken allied forces into bite-sized armies that could be picked off one-by-one.
Dining with Donald
When an invitation arrived to dine at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue my quick reply was yes, yes, yes.
Fore! A D.C. Country Club’s Battle with Obama
The controversy is not about the president’s golf game…but his policies concerning Israel.
Beating up on Barron
There seems to be no limit to how low some people will go to attack the new President.
The 45th President of the United States
With all the pomp and circumstance that America can muster, Donald J. Trump has been inaugurated the 45th...
Inside the Beltway
Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen…are now poised to take the reins of power inside the Beltway again.
Sessions – Not So High On Weed
When asked tough questions, Sessions has replied with a definitive maybe.