The champagne must be flowing freely at PETA. Let’s hope their happy now that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus has decided to pull down the big top once and for all. The show is over. Done. Kaput. Of course, there are many reasons why the circus has decided to close its doors this month – operating costs are up, attendance is down, changes in the American family – but the most powerful push to dim the lights of the circus assuredly came from animal rights activists. And while PETA and their minions weren’t the only reason for the demise of this slice of Americana, they certainly had a big hand in it – with all five fingers.
Leesa K. Donner
Executive Editor
Point-Counterpoint: Eliminating The Estate Tax
Editor’s Note: Welcome to Point-Counterpoint, where Liberty Nation writers face off in an intellectual debate about issues affecting everyday Americans. This week, our financial writer, Dan Ingram, faces off in a spirited and highly entertaining debate with Editorial Director Leesa K. Donner.
Britain’s Prince Philip Exits Stage Left
Americans like to act like they don’t give a hoot about an outdated, somewhat feckless monarchy that we rebelled against more than two hundred years ago. But that would be more than a bit mendacious. Perhaps because we, as a nation, have eschewed all things royal, we are fascinated by its movements and trappings. The reality is that these are some fairly curious folks.
VIDEO: A Hollywood Surprise from Richard Dreyfuss
Some things in life bare repeating. Such is the case with this brief segment on the Tucker Carlson show featuring Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss. The 69-year-old asked to be on Carlson’s show to espouse his political beliefs.
James Comey In the Crosshairs Again
The Democrats just can’t seem to move on. Their first stage of grief – denial — seems to be lasting an eternity. On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton told one of her strongest supporters over at CNN, “If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.”
100 Days Of Trump: Change In The Media
Although it was not among his promises to the American people, it can be rightly argued that the one place President Donald Trump has fostered a prodigious amount of change in a short time is in the kingdom of the Fourth Estate.
Julian Assange: Truth And Consequences
Depending on who you talk to, he is either a dirty, rotten scoundrel – to borrow the title from a 1988 slapstick comedy — or the patron saint of all things transparent and free. In fact, there seems to be very little middle ground in any discussion of Julian Paul Assange. Sadly, what is happening to Assange is not a comedy. At all.
It’s Over: Ann Coulter and UC – Berkeley
The battle regarding the on again off again speech by Ann Coulter scheduled for UC – Berkeley is finally over.
UC-Berkeley Being Sued Over Coulter Speech
The College Republicans and the Young America’s Foundation are suing the university saying they were, “seeking to “burden or ban” events “involving the expression of conservative viewpoints,” according to Reuters.