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Leesa K. Donner

Trump Wows The Crowd in Louisville: VIDEO

Trump Wows The Crowd in Louisville: VIDEO

Someone in the White House has a brain in his head, and that would be the man or woman who keeps sending POTUS 45 out into the public square. This week President Trump spoke to his people in Louisville, Kentucky for another delicious barn-burner to rally his troops to his America First doctrine.

Ivanka Rises

Ivanka Rises

When leftist organizations pressured department stores across the nation to drop Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, it seemed for a while that they were winning that war. But now it’s backfiring, with word that sales of the first daughter’s clothing line jumped 346 percent in just the past month.

WikiLeaks Explosion Rocks CIA

WikiLeaks Explosion Rocks CIA

After the Snowden affair, even ordinary Americans began to feel a bit hinky about the U.S. government’s ability to know what they watch, say, write and do. Still, most people simply tried to joke about it and laugh it off. But after yesterday’s announcement by WikiLeaks that it plans to begin a “new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,” Americans may no longer find this a laughing matter.

EXTRA! EXTRA! The Travel Ban is Back

EXTRA! EXTRA! The Travel Ban is Back

It finally happened. As promised, President Donald Trump has issued a new executive order regarding travel restrictions to six nations with known ties to terrorist organizations. The new directive halts immigration from those nations for ninety days and halts all refugees from any country entering the United States for the next one hundred twenty days.