Just when you think you have heard it all, Fox & Friends trots out Judge Andrew Napolitano with a scathing...
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Tillerson’s Asia Visit Has Implications For North Korea
This visit will be the first major test of Secretary of State Tillerson’s diplomatic prowess, and the success or failure of these meetings, especially with China, will help drive U.S. strategy in dealing with North Korea.
Fake News in Ferguson Caused Real Violence
Ferguson, Missouri popped back up in the news this week with a re-visitation to the 2014 shooting of Michael...
Abortion And A Man’s Right to Know
Texas State Rep. Jessica Farrar has introduced a bill to the state legislature that she admits is satire — all to make a pro-abortion point.
Betsy DeVos and the Supposedly Evil Christians
When DeVos came to the national stage in November, the left, still reeling from their tragic loss, scrambled to put dossiers together highlighting the thousands of reasons to reject this smart, savvy, eloquent woman who has been an ardent advocate for education for decades.
LN Web Gems 3.15.17: Politically Confused
In today’s Web Gems: Nancy Pelosi is still a hypocrite, CNN redefines the term drug dealer, and rise of the dandelions is nigh!
Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit Against CIA and DOJ on Russia Leaks
Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against a number of government agencies in an effort to procure records “related to the investigation of retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak,” they reported late Tuesday afternoon.
CBO Report Brings New Drama to Healthcare Debate
When the CBO issued its scoring of the Republican healthcare reform bill on Monday, they generated a headline that writes itself: Millions to lose health coverage under GOP Plan. But that is hardly the whole story.
Rand Paul Confirms Warrantless Surveillance on Americans is Happening
The NSA wiretaps foreigners — as it should — but it’s using that capability and legal ability to also collect the communications of everyday Americans as well; so much so, that their underlying reason to tap foreigners is to collect on Americans.