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An American Shame

In our nation’s capital city this past weekend on June 30, George Soros inspired protesters against President Trump’s immigration policies carried homemade signs demanding “Let our children dream! Let them go!” and chanted “Shame, Shame, Shame” while marching down Pennsylvania Avenue past Trump International.

But the real shame in America is not enforcing decades-long immigration policy and the separation of families at the border.  Rather, it is the stunning fact that in the latest report from the U.S. Department  of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 2.5 million children were homeless in America, including 40,799 unaccompanied by a parent or guardian.

Where is the march for American kids?

High Brow Hypocrisy

In Los Angeles, a star-studded protest event featuring pop artist John Legend and The Black-eyed Peas, whose lead singer, Jimmy “Taboo” Gomez, asked “Where is the love?” drew an impressive crowd of leftists and politicians such as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Harris spent her time on the soap box rehashing a narrative since proven to be former President Barack Obama’s indifference to illegal aliens:

“When we have children in cages crying for their mommies and daddies, we know we are better than this.  We know those children will suffer lifelong trauma, and that this is not reflective of a civil society, we know we are better than this.”

But Ms. Harris, are YOU better than this?  What have you done for Americans in your “golden” state?

Not a damn thing it appears.

It is HUD who keeps track of our own outcasts, who compile state rankings on child homelessness, using these four criteria: 1) Extent of Child Homelessness (adjusted for state population) 2) Child Well-Being 3) Risk for Child Homelessness 4) State Policy and Planning Efforts.

On a scale of 1-50, positive to dreadful, respectively, California ranks 48th overall – one small step above New York.

California has 11,600 housing units available, from temporary to permanent, to humanely keep families together—for 526,708 children.

Tell America again, Senator Harris, what you have done for your constituents. Those legal, forgotten Americans, that aren’t on the nightly news.

And New York?

Mayor Bill DeBlasio

Over 30,000 sweating protesters crossed the bridge from Manhattan into Brooklyn, berating the “heartless acts” of President Trump’s administration, simultaneously shedding tears for children in cages, family separation, a thirty-year-old immigration law, and the lack of American humanity.

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, seeking praise for his heartfelt stance on allowing all manner of immigrants into the country, chose to express his opinion on abolishing Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) during a radio interview, avoiding the heat and the chaos.  In the air-conditioned studio, he blathered:

“Look, we need comprehensive immigration reform. There is a way to have immigration properly, and we have to start working for that day…We’ve obviously been on the forefront of challenging policies that are inhumane and unfair.”

Inhumane and unfair is what the left is inflicting without a scintilla of remorse on their very own people.

Yeah, let’s review New York’s abysmal treatment of desperate American children.  Number 49 on the list in caring for this country’s most vulnerable citizens, there are 258,108 homeless children in New York. An unforgivable number by any standards.  Does the state have a comprehensive plan to combat homelessness? No.

What New York does have is 18,211 beds to house those children.

Going Against the Will of The People

A recent poll from Rasmussen Reports finds “that 50% of Likely U.S. voters now favor moving to a merit-based system for legal immigration that brings in legal immigrants based on their skills,” which is a far cry from what protesters are demanding.  In a related report released just days earlier, Rasmussen found “54% of U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law.”

Americans are fed up with the lack of security on the southern border and the increasingly dangerous rhetoric and indifference to the law being perpetuated by the Democratic Party, progressive socialism seekers, and leftist elected officials.  And if the citizens of this country were force fed the statistics on homeless children in the U.S. as often as they are the plight of the illegal immigrants, perhaps America could be great again.

But allowing an unchecked population of illegal immigrants will obliterate any hope of taking care of our own.  These ridiculous weekly protests have done nothing to stop the sobbing of our own poor children.  An unchecked American crisis that is the shame of this nation.  How in the Hell does Senator Harris sleep at night?

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