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Anti-Trumpers Never Learn

by | Jun 8, 2018 | Narrated News, Politics

Is anyone over in the deranged anti-Trump movement listening anymore? Or do they all live in some posh co-op in the Upper West Side of New York, or in the depths of tony Kalorama, DC where the Obamas reside? Indeed, they are incapable of moving out of their smug little spheres filled with lattes and lunchtime martinis at the Old Ebbitt Grill.

Belly up to the bar in any chic Washington hotspot and you will likely find Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post opinion writer who was hired as a token “Republican” and evolved into a full-on nevertrumper, with blood from her bleeding-heart trickling down the rail into a pool on the floor; Will someone please call 911?

Rubin’s Ridiculous Meme

To wit: Ms. Rubin’s column called “Trump’s cruel immigration approach is failing.” Her premise is that the president is a big, bad, meanie who rips children away from their parents, a la Sophie’s Choice. He snatches them from the very arms of their loving family and drags them to parts unknown. The president is, writes Rubin, “racist.” And his Attorney General Jeff Session? “Draconian,” with immigration policies that are “ineffective, unpopular and offensive.”

But she doesn’t stop there, Ms. Rubin opines that the essence of Trumpian immigration is “unconstitutional” as well. And this is because The American Civil Liberties Union says so. When you stop laughing at the last tidbit, we’ll give you the basis for her fallacious argument.

Jennifer Rubin

Rubin cites a WaPo report that shows, “U.S. agents detained 6,405 underage migrants in May, up from 4,302 last month.” And just who are these innocent waifs, why they are, “teenagers and children who are seeking to reunite with a parent already present in the United States.” These youngsters who Trump is “ripping” from “their parents’ arms” aren’t undocumented immigrants or would-be criminals, but helpless babes who are seeking the aid and comfort of hearth and home.

Cue the violins.

Voters Disapprove?

Worse: voters disapprove of this tyrannical immigration policy. Citing an Economist-YouGov poll, Rubin refers to the 51% – 32% of people who “strongly disapprove” of the president’s immigration program. Did you know President Trump’s cruel and oppressive plan is “enraging immigration activists and regular voters”? Feel the outrage, people.

Just imagine how the poll question might read?  “Do you believe it is a bad idea to rip children from their parents’ arms? 5 – Strongly Agree, 4 –Agree, 3 and so forth.

Actually, they didn’t ask that question, or anything similar that would have led Rubin to conclude that regular voters are “enraged.” However, one glance at the poll and you get the idea that it doesn’t exactly cut a swath down the middle. Take Question 17, for example:

  1. Do you think the federal government has responded adequately to Hurricane Maria or could it have done much better?

Adequate response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24%

Could have done better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52%

Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23%

If Ms. Rubin would take a hike up to Long Island where MS 13 is cutting up little girls, to a public school in Arizona where English is the second language, or attend a Trump Rally with tens of thousands chanting “Build the Wall,” she might get a clue of what’s really going on in America.

But alas, people like Jennifer Rubin, her nevertrump associates like George Will and, of course, the left never leave the cozy confines of their Ivory Towers. After all, it’s dangerous out there, and someone just might spill something on her Dolce & Gabbana blouse or try to make off with her new Fendi handbag.

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