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Harvest Time Nears in the Heartland – But Politics Never Rests

From the YMCA to Democrat debates and other shenanigans, flyover folk weigh in.

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.

As summer nears its end, the heartland prepares for the coming harvest. For now, it’s time for street fairs, camping, and flea markets. But that did not stop the diehard fishermen and women, factory workers, and farmers from discussing the ever-changing political climate. On the menu: the YMCA, RFK Jr., shenanigans in the Great Lakes, and a call for age limits in the government.

Is it Fun to Stay at the YMCA?

The Young Men’s Christian Association in Keene, NH, is raising eyebrows by hosting an “LGBTQ+ Teen Night Out.” Junior high and high school students are invited to the free event to “Play some games. Eat some food. Listen to music. Go for a swim. Hang out with friends,” the flyer reads. On the same day, the YMCA is hosting a seminar titled “Understanding Gender Identity 101” with Nick Ferraiolo, who wants to “share his own transition story in the corporate world, dispel common misconceptions about gender identity and introduce the concept of the ‘Genderbread Person.’”

I kid you not. But doesn’t this make the world recall why the YMCA was started in the first place? The organization’s website doesn’t talk much about those original Christian principles. In fact, you have to search for them before you find that mission statement, which is pretty clear: “To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.”

In Fort Collins, CO, Don Krause wasn’t surprised: “The YMCA went woke years ago when they removed all references to Christ from their facilities.”

RFK Jr. Wants to Debate Part-Time Joe

RFK jr heartland back 40

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

RFK Jr. is trying his darndest to get Joe Biden to debate him in some way, shape, or form. As the presidential candidate teased on X, “President Biden could put to rest any concerns about his fitness for office by engaging me in a vigorous, issues-oriented debate. Let’s end the speculation and let the voters see for themselves.” And now this hashtag is making the rounds: #BidenDebateKennedy. It seems, however, that no one in the middle of America was particularly interested in such a show. In Berwyn, IL, Alan Zilavy was unhappy for the two to take up air space: “Great. Two leftist masters debating.”

“Biden will never debate,” Ken Mendez opined from Georgetown, TX.  “Obama doesn’t want Joe to debate as Joe would slip in dumb statements or words.” Another Texan wasn’t shocked. In New Braunfels, Ron Haupt said: “Come on man, a first grader could out-debate President Potato Head Biden.”

It’s Not Funny Anymore in the Heartland

Kathleen Madigan, a comedienne from St. Louis, MO, says the US is “being governed by a Florida Bridge Club.” And as Midwest nice as she is, she wants us to somehow set an age limit on politicians, namely Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Most thinking folks would agree – and throw in Biden and Feinstein for good measure.

Well, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) finally said it all aloud on FNC’s The Story after Mitch McConnell completely froze for an agonizing minute. Haley declared the US Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country.” She continued her “pawpaw” bashing: “It’s sad. No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline. But you have to know when to leave.”

Haley is all in for term limits and mental competency tests. “We need to know they’re at the top of their game,” she warns. “You can’t say that right now, looking at Congress.” Michael Polak gave Haley her due from Omaha, NE: “She is not in my top list, but DAY-UM she scored with this one!”

It’s All Greek to Me

A humdinger. That’s what Randall Stine at the Foxhole called the shenanigans of the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer. In 2021, Benton Harbor residents filed a lawsuit against the gentlewoman, the state of Michigan, the city, and others in response to the lead contamination of the town’s water system.

It is amazing what can be discovered under the eyes of the courts. Consultant Andy Leavitt penned a tweet message to another political operative in Greek – seemingly to throw off the scent of impropriety. The statement, once translated, read: “Hot off the presses. As I warned, there are some major red flags. It seems like we are back at square one having not learned from Flint.”

The lawsuit alleges Leavitt used Greek as part of a “calculated” effort to “conceal” the message from the public. Shocking? Hardly. Joel Rankin from Flint said, “I’m not surprised. She’s the queen of the Karens. I’m absolutely convinced that she did NOT win the last election. I have plenty of Democrat family members in Michigan that hate her guts.”

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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