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Twitter Poll Says Yes to Trump’s Return: It’s Russian Collusion

It was probably only a matter of time before leftists blamed the Russians.

Former President Donald Trump is not back on Twitter. While his account has been reinstated, as of Nov. 19, Mr. Trump has not yet begun to tweet – again. But how did it happen? Did the new “Chief Twit,” Elon Musk, conduct a Twitter poll of users and then go with the will of the majority to allow Trump’s return or did something more nefarious take place? According to at least two people with knowledge of stuff, the Russians are behind the resurrection of Trump’s account. That sounds about right (sarcasm) but, whether true or not, it seems clear that allowing the 45th president back on the social media platform is worse than the Holocaust, 9/11, or a Taylor Swift concert. In fact, it could turn out to be an extinction-level event.

Was The Twitter Poll Democracy or Russian Meddling?

BANNER NEW PARODY (450 x 200 px) (2)First, about that poll. According to CNN – so, we know it must be true – some 15 million Twitter users voted in Musk’s survey. Trump’s reinstatement was favored 51.8% to 48.2%. Isn’t that democracy in action? Isn’t this what left-wingers believe in – the will of the majority, the popular vote? If they are true to their purported values, should they not accept that outcome and stop pouting? They complain bitterly when Republicans win presidential elections despite gaining fewer votes than their opponents. Well, here’s a case of the popular vote not turning out the way leftists would prefer, and they are mad – and when leftists get mad, they look for another subject of scorn. Enter their favorite scapegoats, the Russians.

If the anti-Trump narrative is to be believed, Russia managed to get Trump elected in 2016. Despite no proof, nor even compelling evidence, many leftists still believe that’s what happened. Then, in 2020, despite very favorable conditions for Trump’s re-election – the pandemic notwithstanding – Moscow either abandoned Mr. Trump or just couldn’t pull off another win for him. Now, they are back. They got his Twitter account up and running again which surely means they intend to get him re-elected in 2024. That’s what this is all about, right?

Business professor Scott Galloway addressed the Twitter poll on CBS’ Face the Nation – and he kept a straight face. “I would argue the people haven’t spoken, the GRU has spoken… “ Galloway said, referring to Russia’s military intelligence. He went on to describe the survey, and the decision of the users, as “meaningless.” It’s par for the course, historically. Despite their protestations of loving democracy, left-wingers will claim any popular choice that goes against their wishes is invalid because [insert excuse here].

Vox’s Kara Swisher agreed with Galloway’s highly informed conclusion. The New York Times reject, who also appeared on CBS, posted a video clip of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Twitter, under the statement, “Look the guy [sic] who did the Trump troll, I mean, poll for Elon.”

Swisher also managed to link Trump’s return to Twitter – before the man has even posted a single new word on the platform – with the Nov. 19 mass shooting at a Colorado Springs club. Again, on Twitter, Swisher said of the two events – the shooting and Trump’s Twitter emancipation – “They are inextricably related.” Presumably, the Colorado gunman noticed that Trump would be allowed back after the Twitter poll and, within just a few hours, decided that was his cue to commit mass murder. Perhaps, for the Swishers of the world, that kind of logic is undeniable.

We Like Free Speech, But…

LGBTQ2S+ Protest In Edmonton

(Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Of course, these are just two examples of left-wingers claiming civilization is now on the verge of collapse after Musk’s decision to allow Trump’s return to Twitter. Their mantra is always the same: They claim support of free speech, but …

In an epic rant announcing his departure from the platform, musician Jack White said it was “nonsense” to allow the former president back under the banner of free speech. Another recording artist, Toni Braxton, insisted, “Hate speech under the veil of ‘free speech’ is unacceptable… “

Free speech has its limits, as far as the woke, progressive left is concerned – and those limits are any speech it doesn’t like which, by their whim alone, automatically becomes “hate speech.” Interestingly enough, the entire concept of “hate speech” was created by the leaders of the former Soviet Union. Google it. Well, perhaps not, as one might not find it on Google – but a little research will confirm it. The Soviets would describe any arguments against their admission into international human rights treaties as “hate speech,” and that poisoned flower bloomed gradually across the western world. That, dear reader, is very much a case of Russia influencing foreign affairs.

Will the leftists abandon Twitter in their quest to never again be exposed to opinions with which they do not agree? Will they perhaps create their own online safe space? They could call it “Quitter” or “Get Out Of My Facebook.” More importantly, for the sake of their rapidly deteriorating collective mental health, will they ever stop claiming the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been unleashed every time someone says something that casts doubt upon their vision of how the world should be?

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