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Heartlanders Have Some Fun With Fauci

Some wonder if they have finally seen it all.

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the “truth” each week from heartlanders in Fly Over states, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.

Flyover folks chewed the political fat unfolding in the big cities this week. From the Swamp and the red-headed ditto-machine to the Sunshine State’s top-dog making more giant waves in an “exploratory committee” kind of way, exciting conversations popped up like spring dandelions. Oh, and you now cannot use certain words about insects because scientists are woke.

No Fauci In Florida

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has announced several new products for sale, with proceeds going to campaign coffers. While Democrats are using the filibuster issue, ol’ Ron is hawking merchandise that is not exactly friendly towards Dr. Anthony Fauci. The DeSantis campaign store now has products like koozies, T-shirts, flags, and ball caps that say things like “Don’t Fauci My Florida” and “How am I going to be able to drink beer with a mask on?”

Conservative voters opened their wallets along with their mouths. For Ken Serritella in Chicago, it sparked an immediate political bromance as he commented on Facebook: “God, I Love this man.”

While in Davenport, IA, Jineane Shook commented, “Finally something with Fauci I can ‘buy.’”

Hey Biden Administration – Cubans Are Hispanic Too

The world has watched as fed-up Cubans under the non-flourishing-forever-Communist government have taken to the streets, asking the world for a little bit of help. Yet, for some reason, their plight has fallen on a deaf and disinterested media and an administration consumed with relocating Central Americans into the United States. Sensing a new crisis of humanity, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas wasted no time in telling folks they were not welcome in the United States. Specifically:

“Allow me to be clear: if you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States. If individuals make establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for resettlement. They will not enter the United States.”

But, but, but isn’t everyone welcome here from Somalia, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, and beyond? Aren’t Cubans living in communism still Hispanic? Well, that answer is yes. When asked the short version of “What The Heck” is Biden doing about Cuba during a Jen Psaki presser, the erstwhile face of the White House couldn’t quite spit up the word “communist” to save her life. Psaki did claim that Cubans were protesting the “mismanagement of the government.”

“She’s saying that our own American authoritarian regime is a lot more subtle with how they control their citizens. The Cuban government just openly assaults, rapes, and pillages its citizens,” was JD Quick’s observation from Albertville, AL.

Carol Goetz of Kentucky had other commenters repeating her: “Psaki psuks!” “Because Cubans will become citizens, register to vote, and vote Republican,” explained Gina Gutier.

Psaki seems to generate more questions than she answers in some pressers. Linda Jordan in Omaha, NE, wondered, “Is she circling back once she circles back and finds out if she can say Cuba is run by a communist regime?”

But on this subject, Tanja Fernandez in Houston gets the last word:

“We, the Cuban-American, love this great country. We know how communism works. Today it is Cuba, but tomorrow it could be the US. There is a photo of Biden with Fidel. Communism is a pandemic worse than Coronavirus. For 62 years, we have been waiting for this moment. And now the Biden government decides to do nothing.”

What’s in a Name?

Many conservatives were bashed these last few years as a rumor was perpetuated by the left that Republicans and Libertarians didn’t believe in science. How else could they explain away arguments that climate change isn’t melting the planet, biological men don’t have periods, or that Democrats can’t count? The latest victims of the new science are the gypsy moth and gypsy ant, which had to undergo a name change in the name of being more inclusive. The Entomological Society of America (ESA) President Michelle S. Smith said the term “gypsy” is a rejected racial slur. “It’s an ethnic slur, to begin with, that’s been rejected by the Romani people a long time ago,” she explained. “Second, nobody wants to be associated with a harmful invasive pest.”

In Conroe, TX, Bug lover Dustin Wyatt dreamt of a conversation to have if ever he had such an audience:

“Me: ‘With today’s science, we could cure disease, improve medical procedures and solve the mysteries of the universe!’

Scientists: ‘This bug is racist.’”

Just when you’re tempted to think you’ve seen it all … “I truly fear one day I will involuntarily roll my eyes, and they won’t stop,” laments Silvia Hollingsworth of Mississippi.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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