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TwitterZone: Why Are Liberals Still So Unhappy?

Genetic predisposition, vocation, and American values have somehow become problematic to the radical left.

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Columns, Media

Each week Liberty Nation straps on its Personal Protective Equipment and dives into the TwitterZone to bring you the biggest news, the most outlandish arguments, and the real Zeitgeist of what is taking place in the internet’s wildest frontier.

It doesn’t take a particularly observant set of eyes to notice the amount of discontent and unhappiness demonstrated by liberals and progressives on Twitter. Every day it seems a horde of the liberal hivemind finds another travesty in modern America to lament, protest, or try to cancel. Research has already proven that, by and large, conservatives are happier than liberals. Why?

Just the other day on Twitter, debate sparked once again about an ancient New York Times article suggesting that genetic predisposition is likely a primary cause of the happiness gap between political factions. However, no conclusive evidence backs this theory. While being pessimistic isn’t necessarily a detrimental character trait, liberals have practically made unhappiness about the state of the world, no matter how uncontrollable, a part of their political mantra.

For one, burgeoning nihilistic attitudes on the left certainly contribute significantly to unhappiness. For some reason, liberals and progressives still harp about the happiness index in capitalist social-democratic states like Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, no matter the realities of the situation in those nations. These countries implement policies liberals and progressives are rabidly against, like low, business-friendly corporate taxes and regressive consumption taxes. Regardless, the American left still portrays them as model societies, refusing to consider the ideas that have made the policies a reality in the first place.

More hostile responses to the data expressed anger about conservatives’ choice to be happy even when “the world is burning down around us.” Time after time, a few level-headed people need to point out to society that we live in the best time to be alive in human history, free of famine and domestic war, more concerned about minority rights than the survival of the majority at all costs. Ultimately, however, the vast majority of liberal anger is directed at conservatives for daring to find happiness in the lives they live. Despite the wishes of progressives like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), subsidizing the livelihoods of those unwilling to work does not create an equitable, happy society. Conservatives find meaning in their work and things outside of it, while liberals find meaning in righting the wrongs of society, whatever the cost.

The generational gap is likely to make this divide even more prominent. Research continues to show that young people are more nihilistic than ever in the wake of events like the global financial crisis, war on terror, and COVID-19 pandemic. If we as a society need to teach the youth of today anything about optimism for the future, it should be this: You can’t be happy when you blame most of the world’s problems on social constructs developed throughout human history and societal evolution. Misery doesn’t just love company; it demands it.


Read more from Jose Backer.

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