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Why Are Trump Supporters Not Rioting?

A lack of violent outrage among conservatives unmasks another big lie from the left.

Among the many phenomena that have defined the Trump era is the 45th president’s unique ability to bring out the absolute worst in the people who hate him the most. Our view of D.C. will never be the same after Donald Trump’s broad and deep unmasking of the rulers of the Swamp and their companion creatures on the left side of the political spectrum. We have witnessed one phony, scurrilous, ginned-up scandal after another designed to destroy a duly-elected president. But the Million MAGA March over the weekend in Washington may forever serve as the single best textbook example of the difference between the left and right circa 2020.

There were likely hundreds of thousands present to demonstrate their overwhelming support for Trump (hard to know the real number since elite media paid the event no mind) but also to express their outrage and disbelief at the reported outcome of the election. And they did so not out of blind denial of a legitimate result but amid rapidly mounting evidence — flagrant statistical impossibilities, illegal vote counting, and voluminous sworn affidavits — of organized electoral fraud in as many as five, perhaps six, states.

These demonstrators, and tens of millions of others among the more than 73 million who pulled the lever for Trump, smell a rat. There are so many things they will not accept as legitimate: the sudden stop to the counting of votes in battleground states on election night with Trump way ahead, the equally sudden restart of tabulating in the middle of the night that swiftly put Biden on top in crucial swing states, record-shattering turnout only in the states now in dispute, record-low rejected ballots in Pennsylvania, historic numbers of ballots marked only for president (and for Biden, of course), on top of eyewitness accounts of systemic fraud, serious doubt surrounding the Smartmatic voting system used in the contested battleground states, and the refusal to allow legally required access for GOP poll watchers.

And looking down the ballot, you see anything but a blue wave, with the GOP gaining serious ground in the House and exceeding expectations in likely maintaining control of the Senate despite defending twice as many seats as Democrats. So it makes little to no sense that, at the top of the ballot, Trump attracted over ten million more votes than in 2016 and yet has supposedly lost to a historically weak candidate with nothing to offer from a party performing poorly throughout the rest of the ballot. This hardly passes the smell test.

Thus, it is not surprising that 70% of Republicans in a recent Politico poll believe this election was not free and fair, double the number who believed so before the election.

So, given their conviction that the presidency was stolen out from under their candidate, why are Trump supporters not resorting to rioting? Weren’t we told to expect an outbreak of racially charged white-on-black incidents and generalized violence from Trump loyalists if their man lost the election? Was this not supposed to be the last hurrah of the deplorable, irredeemable, white-supremacist base supporting Trump?

But there was violence at the Trump protest — from the same Antifa/Black Lives Matter cretins who pushed the whole nation to the edge over the summer, burning down cities across the land as Democrats and progressives stood idly by, allowing it all to happen. And this is how they “celebrate” the victory of their candidate Biden (or defeat of Trump) at their counterprotest after dark (always their preferred time): one man stabbed multiple times, 21 people arrested on charges ranging from an attack on a police officer to illegal weapons, threatening and terrorizing pro-Trumpers quietly eating dinner, exploding fireworks in a confined space.

So, let’s see if we’ve got this straight: Untold thousands show up to protest an election they are convinced was stolen from Trump and commit not a single act of violence. Meanwhile, a far smaller crowd of miscreants who support Trump’s supposedly victorious opponent, who should presumably be jubilant over Trump’s reported defeat, leave a path of destruction in their wake.

Could there ever be a more stark contrast between the two sides in this ongoing war for the soul of America?

Remember all those makeshift plywood barriers erected throughout urban America in advance of the election? Do you think those were there to prevent violence if Trump lost, or if he won? Well, seeing that none of those protected properties, or unprotected ones, have been breached by Trump sympathizers following the president’s reported defeat, the answer is obvious. Even leftists would grudgingly admit the expected widespread violence and mindless property destruction would come from their side, though, of course, they would add that it’s justified because Trump represents a unique and existential threat to the nation.

The aftermath of this election, especially the pro-Trump rally, has once and for all pulled back the curtain on another big lie perpetrated by the left for the entirety of this administration and trumpeted by its agents in big corporate media: that Trump supporters are the ones who threaten the peace and safety of the American people. We have now seen living proof that conservatives respect the electoral process prescribed in the U.S. Constitution and the will of the American people to the point of remaining peaceful even when they believe with every fiber of their being that they were flat out disenfranchised. And just as importantly, we have prima facie evidence that the left, and radical progressives in particular, will always fume and never be satisfied, even when they are handed the entirely unmerited gift of a non-Trump presidency.

In contrast to the pro-Trump gathering, entirely peaceful despite the justifiable anger of its participants, what would the mob of Trump haters have done — and been legitimized in doing by the Democrats and political left — if Trump had been declared the winner, or if he is in the days or weeks ahead? Those cities protected like war zones provide the unmistakable answer.


Read more from Tim Donner.

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