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The Dems Give Flyover Folk a Few More Reasons to Brush off Biden

Heartlanders are fired up, paying attention, and heading to the polls.

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

Middle America embraces the transition of seasons with fanfare – and that includes adorning fences, front yards, and farmland with political signs as Election 2020 becomes all too real in the last sprint towards the finish line. Trump/Pence flags dominate the small towns and rural landscapes with random support brandished for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen and one or two belligerent hold outs for Biden/Harris. When a billboard for the Biden campaign popped up in a tiny Indiana town, incensed citizens called the town mayor demanding to have the advertisement removed.

Heartlanders are fired up, paying attention, and heading to the polls. And who caught the eye of the good folks between the Appalachians and the Rockies this week? None other than Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and the former vice president’s seemingly ne’er do well son, the ever-embarrassing Hunter Biden.

Wow, what a year for the annals of history to gorge upon – and it’s not over yet.

The Obnoxious So-Called Confirmation Hearings


Amy Coney Barrett held her composure, wit, and temper as Democrats peppered her with disturbing questions that seemed to be “gotcha” oriented. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) asked this gem, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors, or committed any physical or verbal harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

The answer, of course, was no. John Elmore from Dunn, NC appeared to speak for the majority: “This is simply a reflection of the Democrat party’s desperation in death throes as their agenda is falling apart before their eyes. Mazie Hirono is a disgrace to her state, and this country and this irrational and crude questioning is to be expected of her.”

Barrett remained unruffled. She was prepared, polite, professional, and she showed a sense of humor. If only the Democrats in the U.S. Senate could do the same.

Put the Crack Pipe Down!

If the explosive New York Post article on Hunter Biden’s activities and involvement with Ukraine wasn’t bad enough for the campaign, adding dear old dad’s apparent knowledge and complicity should put a stake in the heart of the no malarkey candidate. A laptop alleged to be Hunter Biden’s has produced – awkwardly for the Biden/Harris ticket – a digital tell-all. The emails from Vadym Pozharskyi – a senior Burisma executive – to Hunter Biden are damning. After much denial and debate, it seems that dear old dad did meet with the Burisma boys: “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.” And then there were the veiled asks for political favors, “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message/signal, etc. to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions …”

But to compound the discomfiture of Democrats, photos and a video emerged of the presidential hopeful’s son in a variety of sexual acts with an unknown woman and smoking crack. Yeah, what an altar boy.

Add to the craziness a mad scramble by big-box media and social media platforms to censor the article, and folks are more than ever sure the deep state is attempting a coup on a sitting president and tampering with elections.

As Lincoln, Nebraska’s patriot, Clarinda Funkhouser, demanded: “This needs to be addressed now. Biden shouldn’t be running for president with evidence like this. Nail him to the wall NOW!”

No one is joking around at this stage in the game – especially the not-so-silent majority.

Now More Than Ever

Now more than ever, flyover folks are convinced that the Democratic Party’s nominee for president lacks the cognitive abilities the job surely demands. And as the big-box media continually, nauseatingly, rushes to cover for the man, no one can stop the candidate from humiliating himself – whether he understands this or not.

At a campaign stop in Cincinnati, Mr. Biden was informed that 56% of Americans recently polled believe they are much better off than four years ago. A reporter asked if the populace really felt that way, why would they vote for Joe? He responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”

He followed by blaming the folks responding to the polls: “Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly.” C’mon, man, this from the guy who announced his run for the U.S. Senate on the presidential campaign trail and frequently forgets what state he is in?


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