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NASCAR’s Woke Moment Gets Flyover Folk Fired Up

How does NASCAR hope to survive without the Heartland?

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

It was a rip-roaring week in rural areas across the nation as Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben packed the kitchen and headed out of grocery stores along with Eskimo Pies. Much like the destruction of statues and American history, these two icons had to go. But who knows what these crabby, fascist-acting Anti-fascists are allowing these days? Certainly not the FBI, who sent an army of suits to Florida to investigate a hate crime. Conservatives, having had enough of the twaddle, commenced to yawing about two of America’s most excellent sports that coddled the tantrum tossing cancel culture mobs – and took a knee.

RIP NASCAR 1948 – 2020

It appears the Jussie Smollett syndrome is also a viral contagion as the folks at the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) caught the fever and became downright delirious. First, they banned the Confederate Flag, which rubbed some First Amendment proponents the wrong way. Shortly after, one of the circuit drivers – the only black driver in the cup series – politicized the sport by wrapping his car in Black Lives Matter messaging.

In a final blow to Americans who follow the sport – and a sore subject without verification shoved in everyone’s face by the drive-by media – someone found a noose in Bubba Wallace’s assigned garage. NASCAR rose to the occasion, standing behind one of their own.

The FBI was alerted and readily available as no one appears to be monitoring the tantrum-throwing protesters. But I digress. The suits determined the so-called noose to be a hand pulley on the garage door at Talladega Superspeedway. Approximately every single garage door on the NASCAR circuit has the same or similar equipment. Therefore, the not-a-noose-but-a-pulley – installed late last year – was not a hate crime so much as a helpful tool. But it was an opportunity to become Black Lives Matter’s latest poster child.

Wallace was not going to let his popularity as the latest victim of hate expire, so he kept up the crusade on the noose idea, which was quickly losing momentum, by appearing on CNN with Don Lemon. He doubled down, saying, “It’s a straight-up noose.”

That brought flashbacks of Jussie Smollett’s tall tale of being assaulted by MAGA hat-wearing meanies.  His career was not where he wanted it, and we all witnessed the failed strategy of what never letting go of a hoax gets one these days: Fired. New Mexican Edwin Boles believes this will all blow over for Bubba. In fact, he may win a few more sponsor dollars, “I just heard – don’t know if it’s true or not – Bubba Wallace just picked up Pampers as a sponsor, and they’re putting training wheels on his car.”

Other fans of the sport wonder if, like Smollett, there was a need to be a part of the BLM story and to elevate his status in the short track cup world. Arizonan Sharlene Rock offered a clue: “Wanna know what else the FBI didn’t find in Bubba’s garage? A trophy.”

And one exhausted fan simply stated, “Bubba is the best race card driver ever.”

Who Let the Cancel Culture Lib Into the Daily Caller?

The Daily Caller heard an earful from flyover folks after David Hookstead, self-proclaimed Smoke Room Editor-in-Chief, came up with a story on one NFL coach that wasn’t so nice. Hookstead advised the defensive coordinator of the Washington Redskins, Jack Del Rio, to “put down his phone and concentrate on football.”

Del Rio was in the hot seat for being a supporter of President Trump. He was experiencing typical attacks by uneducated people using the word “racist” as a catchall for lack of facts. Jack made it clear he could not care less if one didn’t like his political views. Trolls extolling the Black Lives Matter movement lambasted the horrible man for exercising his First Amendment, to which Del Rio replied via Twitter, “I’m 100% for America, if you’re not you can kiss my A$$.”

That was not the best lecture to give a coach when the league has done nothing of late other than spit in the eye of fans – many of whom seemingly read the Caller. Fans want to see someone, anyone, not cave to the constant whining and demands.

Bob Minter of Titonka, IA, looked at the piece a tad differently than the writer: “So the author of this opinion piece wants Del Rio to delete and apologize? Is this what we have become? The Daily Caller should force Hookstead to apologize and see how he likes it.”

Mark Chiodini in St. Louis, MO, praised the cojones on Del Rio, “An example of what we all need to do – I will not apologize for loving this country, and the truth has to be told.”

In flyover states, the silent majority is anxiously awaiting another mass voting opportunity. And they will be at the polls in full force because, in all fairness, after the crazy of this year, we all need to “just relax, put the phone down, and have a beer.”


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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