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Panic on the Left, So It’s Time for Fascism Fake Outs

You know someone’s in a real panic when they start running in circles.

In a panic over Obamagate and their 2020 nominee, President Trump’s foes are opting for the fascism trope. “Lock her up!” is more than just a good idea. It is, according to Lucian K. Truscott IV, Donald Trump’s “call to fascist rule.” Sound familiar? It should. This isn’t Truscott’s first rodeo with Leftist Lunacy – nor anywhere near his first anti-Trump rant declaring the president Hitler reborn. Indeed, for those who waste much time over at Salon, seeing this particular progressive label Trump a fascist in an article that blatantly ignores facts just means it’s a day that ends in “y.”

But this decadent drop of drivel is especially delightful. The irony doesn’t end at Truscott’s definition of Trump’s fascism; it delves deeper, engulfing his examples of Trump’s supposed slurs. And perhaps best of all, this piece doesn’t make us wait; it jumps right in with the first sentence: “You know someone’s in a real panic when they start running in circles, and that’s what Donald Trump has been doing for the past week.” Delectable.

Running in Circles

Election Day 2020 is coming, and the Democrats’ chosen one, former Vice President Joe Biden, is far from battle-ready. Gaffe upon gaffe has marred his campaign, sure, but that’s just Joe – the Democrats never hold that against him. But the cognitive decline becomes more evident with every appearance. Then there are the recent sexual abuse accusations from former staffer Tara Reade and the revelation that Biden was on Team Unmask Flynn.

Biden claims he can’t wait to debate Trump, but – unless it’s just another of his lies – that could be filed under “evidence that old Joe’s losing his mind.” The former VP just isn’t in fighting shape, and the left knows it. So, what to do when all the Biden news is bad? Why, call Trump a fascist, or even “Literally Hitler,” of course. As Mr. Truscott very correctly observed, you know someone’s in a real panic – like the sky is falling, the end is nigh kind of existential fear – when they start running in circles. He made this very true statement – and then proceeded to run in circles crying out that Trump’s a fascist – like Hitler.

For Wide Is the Obamagate and Broad is the Way

Obamagate: the first example of Trump’s fascism. According to Truscott, the president must be quaking in fear of being dethroned by Biden, for his tweets about Obamagate are just his way of running in a big fear circle. This is fascism, of course, because Trump refuses to reveal what crime his predecessor could be guilty of to justify such accusations. “The crime is very obvious to everybody,” Trump told The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker. Ah, but about what could the president possibly be talking? Well, the Obama administration made spying on Americans – from journalists to members of Congress – a regular activity. If we apply the same set of rules to Obama and his lackeys as the Democrats do to the Trump administration, we have to blame the former president for everything from the domestic spying on – and attempted sabotage of – the Trump campaign to the Fast and Furious and Benghazi debacles. Oh, and remember the Mueller Report? As Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles wrote in 2019:

“According to the report, the Kremlin began its efforts to undermine American democracy in 2014 and later evolved into meddling in the 2016 presidential election. So what did the Obama administration do to frustrate the Russian government’s operation? Apparently, not much.

When government officials developed strategies to counter Russia’s efforts, then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice instructed her staff to ‘stand down’ and ‘knock it off.’ Even after the Kremlin’s skullduggery was made known, Obama’s administration did little to deter Russia’s actions, imposing milquetoast sanctions that lacked the teeth necessary to discourage the Kremlin’s offensive.”

Of what could Obama and his administration have possibly been guilty? For one thing, the very collusion to meddle in the 2016 election that Democrats tried to pin on Trump – Truscott’s definition of fascism.

Lock Her Up – No, Really, She Earned It

“I don’t know of a single rally Trump has held since he’s been in office when the crowd didn’t break into the ‘lock her up’ chant, with Trump allowing the fascist bellowing to wash over him as he stands at the podium, smiling with approval at his crowd,” Truscott wrote. “I use the words ‘fascist bellowing’ on purpose, because that’s what it is: Trump supporters at public events and rallies loudly endorsing official lawlessness.”

Leave it to a progressive to imagine a dozen crimes for Donald Trump but forget all the real crimes of Hillary Clinton. Even former top cop at the FBI James Comey admitted that Hillary’s email breach was technically illegal. Never mind the fact that he didn’t feel she meant to break the law. “Oops, I didn’t mean to, I promise” doesn’t work for the common folk, so it shouldn’t work for big-name politicians.

Then we found out that the Clinton campaign had funded the now-infamous Steele Dossier, the seed of the obviously pointless Russiagate investigation. And how about that bombshell from the spring of 2018, the revelation that the Hillary Victory Fund violated FEC limits and, essentially, laundered $84 million in donations? The deeper anti-Trumpers dug into not-their-president, the more dirt they shoveled onto their own idols’ heads.

Aaaaaaand Hitler

“Another fascist dictator who made use of extrajudicial imprisonment of political enemies was Adolf Hitler,” Truscott finally declares, ten paragraphs into his screed. “He didn’t bother with leading ‘lock her up’ chants at his rallies. He just locked up his political opponents and racial and ethnic and religious enemies in concentration camps where they were executed or perished from disease and starvation. His followers rewarded him at political rallies by chanting ‘Heil Hitler.’ It was the all-purpose approbation of Hitler’s leadership of Nazi Germany, a mass public endorsement of everything he did, including locking up his political opponents. That’s what ‘Lock her up’ has become for Trump.”

Finally, the big reveal – as if anyone would have made it this far without realizing it was coming. Yet even this prized progressive moment bears the taint of a political tool – oblivious to the truth or the irony of his words. Rather than showing how Hitleresque Trump can be, Truscott demonstrates one of their chief differences: Hitler didn’t bother with leading chants first; he just did away with his enemies. Where are the Trump concentration camps? How about the mass graves filled to the brim with those who dared defy the Donald?

Fascism or Freedom?

If Donald Trump indeed were Hitler reborn, or a new American Stalin, or – oh, just put your favorite historical bad guy here – what would that mean for the anti-Trump media? The actual dictators of the world didn’t waste time insulting those who spoke out against them or protested their policies; they just killed them. The fact that Americans can call Trump a fascist – that they can protest his presidency and even vote against him – proves that he is not. If Trump were “Literally Hitler,” there would have been only one Trump hit piece penned by Lucian K. Truscott IV. Is it wrong to say, “at least there’s that”?


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