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Liberty Nation: Daily Snapshot – 4.24.20

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Welcome to Liberty Nation’s Daily Snapshot. All the top news of the day, the latest polls, and more.

What’s happening in the political sphere – the hot stories making the news today.

  • A federal judge in California has ruled that requiring citizens to undergo a background check when purchasing ammunition is a violation of the Second Amendment. The law that came into effect last July was challenged by the California Rifle & Pistol Association.
  • Rep. Karen Whitsett, a Michigan Democrat, has been informed that she may be censured by her own party for thanking the president for pushing the use of anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which she says saved her life after she contracted COVID-19. In response to the upcoming rebuke, President Trump tweeted: “Disgraceful. Should join the Republican Party!”
  • The House passed the $484 billion Coronavirus relief package yesterday in a 388 to 5 vote. This will now go to the president, who is expected to sign it straight away.
  • When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested that some states should be allowed to go bankrupt, he opened himself up to a considerable blowback. But there is some support for the idea. Senator Ted Cruz responded through a spokesperson by pointing out that money used to prop up mismanaged state pensions would eventually have to come from fiscally responsible states like Texas.

The latest polls and trends impacting the United States.

  • In the latest Fox polling, Floridians give Joe Biden a three-point lead over the president. The betting markets have Republicans and Democrats both on 5/6 to win. Florida is a tight race, and much could depend on when the state reopens.
  • With the push by Democrats to allow mail-in voting across the board for the November presidential election, most voters are concerned that voter fraud will be likely, according to Rasmussen polling.
  • 50% of all voters believe that what’s best for the country is more important to Trump when it comes to dealing with the Coronavirus. 44% think he’s more concerned with what’s best for the Republican Party. For Nancy Pelosi, these figures are 47% and 46%.

Something political to ponder as you enjoy your morning coffee.

Joe Biden thinks that President Trump will try to delay the November election, according to a pool report. He said, “Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held. That’s the only way he thinks he can possibly win.” All of the betting odds have Trump winning; most polling is so close that given the margin of error, it could go either way. But the sad fact is that Biden thinks he has a real shot. Polling shows that while Trump is unpopular but trusted when it comes to handling the present crisis, Biden is neither trusted nor popular. It is far more likely that the Biden campaign will try to delay the presidential debates, or ditch them entirely, as Biden is not a man known for being able to think on his feet.

A thought for the day from history’s most interesting thinkers.

It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               – Ronald Reagan

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