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George Conway’s Don Quixote Moment: Tilting at the Trump Windmill

George has declared war on Trump – but is he really prepared to fight it?

by | Dec 21, 2019 | Articles, Playlist, Politics

Kellyanne Conway’s husband is mad. He’s so mad that he and few of his other really mad friends penned a declaration of war against President Donald Trump, which recently ran in The New York Times. George Conway has had a bone to pick with the leader of the free world for only God knows what. Perhaps it’s jealousy. But America is about to see what old George is made of – in an extreme public spectacle.

George T. Conway III, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson loudly proclaimed in the op-ed piece, “We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated.” So that’s four – plus Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), who is still smarting from an epic loss to Obama in 2012 – appalled at Trump’s sweeping victory in 2016. Like the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ), they want to undo the will of the people.

But I digress. All four authors have been involved in one way, shape, or form, in Republican politics and have launched a thinly disguised, but hopefully patriotic enough to fool 63 million plus voters, “We, The Republican People” political campaign to dismantle and defeat Trump and his base. “Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line,” the op-ed reads.

New banner Perpective 1It might prove to be a contentious holiday at the Conway homestead.

Lincoln’s Uneasy Rest

The four “real” Constitution-loving conservatives boast that their organization was created and named for Abraham Lincoln because he surely understood the importance of “knitting the nation back together spiritually as well as politically.” One might be led to believe that the goal is to simply remove Donald Trump rather than the Democrats, who have turned this nation upside down due to an overwhelming diagnosis of sore-loser-ism.

Regardless, one doubts if Abraham Lincoln would endorse, or even acknowledge, the intentions of these four as anything more than abject hysteria based on less than visible evidence of any wrongdoing. Sounds eerily familiar. Lincoln was a man who ultimately died for his ideals, and these men are not of the same ilk.

Let’s review the four men at the base of this so-called war:

Stephen Edward Schmidt is a Bush/McCain guy. Add in some Arnold Schwarzenegger as California’s Governor, and that’s a potent cocktail for 63 million plus Americans to follow. Wash and repeat for John Weaver, who was a strategist for – wait for it – Sen. John McCain and Governor John Kasich of Ohio. And Rick Wilson? All you need to know is Bush/Cheney.

Oh yes, it seems personal. Knowing Mrs. Conway is a loyal supporter of Trump is just the icing on a fetid Swamp-inspired cake for George Conway.

Grain of Salt

As some Democrats – like Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), who has rebelled against the impeachment clique, and Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ), who is now Van Drew the Republican – are standing up for Trump, it seems unlikely that these four will gain traction in the quixotic quest they have begun.

As for Trump, he summed up his feelings on the Lincoln Project and Mr. Conway: “First of all, Kellyanne is great, but she’s married to a total whack job.”


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