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Chappaquiddick – A Legacy of the Left

by | Apr 12, 2018 | Politics

A powerful consortium of lobbyists, politicians, and shadow Swamp operatives attempted to stop the release of the new film, Chappaquiddick, to preserve the fairytale Kennedy brand.  However, their sabotage proved unsuccessful, and the chronicle of yet another repulsive act from one of America’s favorite families is in theaters now. Every liberal should buy a ticket.

Democrats prefer that any voting age American never know of the drinking, drug abuse, and adultery of the storied Camelot days of JFK and RFK. But that pales in comparison to the family’s youngest scion, Edward “Ted” Kennedy, and the suspicious death of a young campaign staffer, Mary Jo Kopechne.

After all, the left recently trotted out Representative Joseph Kennedy, III (D-MA), the grandson of Senator and slain presidential candidate “Bobby” Kennedy, in hopes the name and face would reignite their apathetic base.

What Happened

July 18, 1969, second-term Senator Ted Kennedy drove his Oldsmobile off a one-lane bridge at Chappaquiddick Island. Kennedy, who was behind the wheel, swam free and left his passenger, 28-year-old Kopechne, to die.  He then sought out two friends to take him to his cottage in nearby Edgartown, where he went to bed without alerting the authorities, only to resurface ten hours later, fresh as a daisy in khakis and a blue polo shirt..

The diver who found Kopechne, John Farrar, testified at the inquest:

“It looked as if she were holding herself up to get a last breath of air. It was a consciously assumed position… She didn’t drown. She died of suffocation in her own air void. It took her at least three or four hours to die. I could have had her out of that car twenty-five minutes after I got the call. But he [Ted Kennedy] didn’t call. Had I received a call within five to ten minutes of the accident occurring, and was able, as I was the following morning, to be at the victim’s side within twenty-five minutes of receiving the call, in such event there is a strong possibility that she would have been alive on removal from the submerged car.”

If one needs an amazing read on the privileged Kennedys and their ability to skirt the law, click here for the FBI files and be prepared to be disturbed.

Revisionist History

Kennedy pled mea culpa for his part in the negligent death of Kopechne and was found guilty of leaving the scene of the accident.  Yes, it’s good to be a Kennedy in Massachusetts and have a judge in your dad’s pocket.  He did ask the good people of his home state to decide his political fate, and he was handily reelected for a third term in the U.S. Senate. The incident all but faded into the yellowed pages of history – until the movie was set to premiere, threatening to cast the Kennedy family through a critical lens and shatter the carefully protected myth.

The liberal-leaning media is crying foul at the portrayal of Senator Kennedy and have focused their outrage on the overly dramatic interpretation of a truly tragic accident.  The New York Times, under the angry musings of writer Neal Gabler, published an op-ed about the film, chastising those who would question the angelic and above reproach “Teddy”; which is in direct conflict of what they opined when the good Senator from Massachusetts set his sights on a presidential bid.  The following NYT transcript, and those of other liberally biased media outlets, was cobbled together by Reader’s Digest in 1979:

“There ought to be no hesitation to rake over this puzzling affair. If Mr. Kennedy used his enormous influence to protect himself and his career by leading a cover-up of misconduct-and the known facts lead to that suspicion-there would hang over him not just a cloud of tragedy but also one of corruption, of the Watergate kind. And as we know from Watergate, there is no graver question for a President than whether he can be trusted to respect the law.”

The Legacy

Senator Ted Kennedy

Senator Kennedy passed away in 2009, but a slew of his devoted operatives have infected the government, including the Supreme Court and both the Clinton and Obama administrations.  And almost a decade after his death, their loyalty is unfaltering.  Here are a few names you may recognize that seem to be, to this day, covering up for the Kennedy legacy and rewriting history to safeguard the Democrat’s most royal of families.  And no, they won’t attend a viewing of the movie.

Those present for the party that weekend at Chappaquiddick Island – hosted by Kennedy, his cousin, and a bevy of other married men for six un-married and much younger women – are now in the Hollywood spotlight. And it is making the left nervous.  The indefensible act of leaving Kopechne to die a horrible, frightening death, the resulting cover-up, and the revisionist history Kennedy minions and the left have continued to promote has finally come to light.  It’s an ugly account of a corrupt and weak man, resurrected after a heinous crime, by those who worship at the altar of all things Kennedy – leftist idolatry at its finest.

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