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Dem Contenders Up the Ante on the Middle Class

Soaring pledges and promises of Dem hopefuls will drain voters’ wallets.

It appears in these desperate times the Dem contenders vying for the party’s nomination once again turn to desperate measures in an epic attempt to gain ground and one-up one another as they flop about on the issues like stranded carps gasping for air on a lonely stretch of beach. And, as history demonstrates, this is precisely the time on the road to the White House that those losing traction simply move further into the campaign insanity zone of pledges and promises.

So, my fellow Americans, we find ourselves at the corner of “We’re losing to the bad orange man” and “My Democratic opponents are stupid crazy.”

Distancing themselves from the pack of hopefuls, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) increasingly and publicly have vowed to raise taxes on everyone and their family pets to pay for universal health care – the top priority for the radical left.  And smack dab in the “I’m responsible for that” neighborhood, the middle class would foot the bill for the under- and uninsured masses – including illegal aliens. And that’s a sore spot for most in the working-class demographic.

But when questioned about how the burdensome tax increase would play with Americans, frumpy socialist Sanders claimed, “a lot of people in the country would be delighted to pay more in taxes.” Yeah, that’s not true.

Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a poll on health-care proposals, finding “Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would prefer lawmakers build on ObamaCare rather than replace ObamaCare with Medicare for All.”

Progressives Vs Centrists

Warren, once a Republican before steering into the delusional skid of being a Cherokee, is now touting herself as the most progressive Democrat in the race. Yet during the most recent debates, she wouldn’t answer the question on how to pay for Medicare for All. Her artful dodge was a lame answer: “middle-class families are going to pay less out of pocket for their health care.”

Sanders accused the moderator of using Republican talking points. Another of the dirty double dozen presidential hopefuls, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), criticized the middle-class tax increases to pay for their health-care plans. Oh, well, of course, Americans love the idea of free anything, including health coverage – until the dollar cost is brought into the discussion, and then approval rates flip easily to disapproval. And conservative estimates on a Warren or Sanders plan would cost John Q. Public an estimated $32-$40 trillion over the next decade.

And this is where the pack begins to splinter into two factions: the insane and the even more insane.

Marc Goldwein, senior vice president at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, weighed in to the discussion recently, describing Sanders’ premiums as taxes, as they are based off income. And he stated there is no way to raise the money needed for Sanders’ free-for-all plan: “Looking through and eyeballing it, it’s really hard to see them getting past $20 trillion, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was closer to $15 trillion.”

Just say no to Bernie.

What’s amazing is that former Vice President Joe Biden is looking more normal, as his program would allow for private insurance holders to keep their plan. Former Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) is also of the mindset that universal health care is an unwieldy, unproduceable campaign promise:

“I probably would oppose Medicare-for-all just because there are over 150 million people, Americans who have some form of private insurance through their business, and the vast majority of them are happy with that.”

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) apparently is waiting to see which way the wind blows before making a commitment, although she has agreed with Sanders and Biden on occasion.

No Big Surprise

The jig is up. Democratic candidates for president are in the throes of shredding that quaint civility pledge and are now ripping at each other’s flesh in the quest to take on Trump in 2020.  If the trend toward radical left lunacy persists — granting illegal immigrants rights over Americans, taxing the middle class into poverty to pay for universal health care — a revolt will surely result come Election Day.  Perhaps 2016 and the unleashing of the silent majority was just a taste of what will happen at the polls in just 15 short months if the Dems adhere to this misguided agenda.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill or comment on this article at Liberty Nation.com.

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