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One Million Moms: Time to Dethrone the Drag Queens

The drag queen reading hour may soon be no more.

One organization has finally had enough of the radical left promoting gender-fluid shenanigans in local public libraries. One Million Moms is taking to task the unsettling practice of inviting drag queens into children’s reading programs and pushing an agenda on impressionable children as young as three years old.

One Million Moms launched a strike against Whole Foods Market in a boycott campaign to bring to light what they consider a dangerous practice. On the organization’s website, an angry missive states:

“A retailer that once promoted organics and clean food is now saturated in absolute filth, exploiting America’s children to be ‘groomed’ by drag queens. If you shop at Whole Foods Market, you are also supporting child exploitation, which this corporation apparently contributes to and endorses.”

Ouch. Them’s fightin’ words.

What Happened, Blow by Blow

The latest salvo over the rainbow involves the Peach State.  Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms invited one “Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker,” who is in real life Steven Igarashi-Ball, to City Hall to read to little kids.  The trip to the hallowed halls was planned after the logical thinking Fulton County library branch pulled its Drag Queen Story Hour slate of events, clearing the calendar of similar scheduled affairs in the library system.

Apparently drag queens have feelings too, and Terra Cotta Sugarbaker’s were not only hurt, but deeply offended – and Mayor Bottoms was ready to sooth it away by hosting her own story hour.

After the great fun with Miss Sugarbaker, the City of Atlanta LGBTQ Affairs tweeted a photo of an event, thanking all involved.  One Million Moms saw the tweet, saw red, and noticed that Whole Foods was a primary sponsor.

The Problems of Drag Queens and Kids

Carla Rossi

Not everyone believes that drag queens are the best people to show young children that diversity is an embraceable characteristic.  In the case of Dylan Pontiff, a gay man who calls himself Santana Pilar Andrews when in drag, made headlines last fall when organizing an event for Louisiana preschoolers.  He told the Lafayette City-Parish Council the event was not really about entertainment, but “the grooming of the next generation.”

In Portland, OR, Multnomah County Library stealthily pulled a Mrs. Clinton and bleached several controversial photos of a Drag Queen Story Hour at St. John’s Library.  The snapshots captured preschool children sprawling on top of Mr. Anthony Hudson (stage name Carla Rossi), who was lying on the floor, arms outstretched, giggling with joy.

And who can forget the embarrassing apology tour in Houston as Alberto Garza (also known as Tatiana Mala-Nina), who was invited to read to preschoolers at Freed-Montrose Public Library, was found to have been convicted of molesting an eight-year-old boy?  Why the library folks didn’t recognize that “mala Nina” translates into bad girl is beyond the pale. Perhaps a bit of vetting should have happened.  Nothing to report – just diversity rearing its ugly head.

In July drag queen Cassie Nova appeared in Dallas as the featured queen, and parents fought back.  The city’s library system director admitted her “office received more than 700 calls, 250 emails and an uncounted number of complaints on social media” about the event.

Of course, parents can also take their children to other city-sponsored programs – if they are aware that the queens are scheduled to read.

But seriously, why is this even a thing?

Dangerous or Homophobic?

Are the Drag Queen Story Hours a danger to children or simply an exposure to another lifestyle?  Let’s face it, there hasn’t been a mass shooting or a terror attack perpetrated by a queen so far.  Frankly, they can hardly slay an eyeliner application – but they do strike fear in the hearts of conservatives. What is concerning is that in the name of LGBTQ equality, and the sheer shaming force of the drive-by media, checks and balances into the backgrounds and predilections of men dressed as women telling stories to very young children are underperformed.

One Million Moms have had enough and are fighting back with what does terrorize corporate America: a financial boycott of products and services. Whole Foods Market has 499 stores spread out across Canada, the UK, and in 42 states in the US. And the moms are focused on bringing the retailer down a peg. In the petition, which has a garnered nearly 10,000 seething mad signatories, they ask people to agree with the statement: “I find it irresponsible that your company is exploiting America’s children to be ‘groomed’ by drag queens in hopes to indoctrinate children into transgenderism and homosexuality.”

Credit is due to the moms who are simply asking for a bit of sanity in a topsy-turvy world.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill or comment on this article at Liberty Nation.com.

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