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Message from the Heartland: Love America or Leave It

The message from the heartland is clear: If you don’t like America, feel free to leave.

While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

It was a post-Independence Day celebration hangover in the heartland as patriots watched in absolute disbelief while another so-called athletic role model for young girls dropped the F-bomb on live television and then stepped on the American flag, and again as a government body in Minnesota banned the Pledge of Allegiance at city council meetings.

Flyover folks didn’t take any prisoners in their assault.

Minnesota Needs a Butt Whooping

Well over 100 angry protesters marched into the St. Louis Park, MN, city council chambers waving Old Glory and chanting “USA, USA!”  The remonstration was in response to the council’s unanimous decision to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council business meetings to sooth the sensitivities of a “diverse community.”


St. Louis Park is smack dab in the heart of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) district.  And the act was considered nearly treasonous to real Americans – who have the misfortune of being taken over by increasing anti-American sentiments where once was a quiet, patriotic community.

Council member Anne Mavity claimed the pledge was “irrelevant” and made a clear and downright ridiculous statement: “They certainly don’t need to come into city council chambers and pledge their allegiance to our country in order to tell us what their input is about a sidewalk in front of their home.”

Seriously, if we’re talking about immigrants living in the most generous country in the world, they need to either proclaim their loyalty or head on out the door.

Another council member, Tim Brausen, was overheard saying that Minnesotans were upset because they were “playing with their hallowed traditions.”

No matter the creed or color, flyover folks have had enough – and applause is due the efforts of the fed-up patriots who made their thunderous allegiance known.

Greg Taylor, from Dupo, IL, waxed eloquent:

“I legally immigrated here, for me the American flag is a symbol of opportunity, of freedom, of the ability to succeed. I know the pledge of allegiance by heart and for me it’s an oath honoring a beacon of this great country founded on liberty and justice. In my mind if you disrespect this flag, you disrespect everything it stands for and everyone that worked so hard, everyone that risked everything, everyone that died so we can know freedom, so we can live without fear of an oppressing and imposing tyrannical government.”

From another of the country’s Great Lakes states, Michigan’s Nancy Frederick offered her ire for public view. “They, the council went from politically correct to moronic. Also taking care of the few vs the majority!!”

Retired MSG of the United States Air Force, Joseph Bombay of The Sooner State, said that “If the councilwoman says they should have no allegiance to this country, they are welcome to leave!”

Another Anti-American 15 Minutes of Fame

Megan Rapinoe

Channeling her inner Colin Kaepernick while sporting a Nike emblemed soccer jersey, the latest athlete to join the we hate America club is none other than Megan Rapinoe, captain of the US Women’s Soccer Team.  Instead of singing “I love you, you love me,” as her purple hair might lead one to believe, Rapinoe figuratively flipped America the bird and not only kneeled during the National Anthem throughout the World Cup, but then stood on the flag and made weird Hulk-like faces in celebration of the win.

Few people applauded her behavior.

Pennsylvanian Kathleen Wilson advised, “Need to reel this chick in, remind her of the country that has given her this opportunity, supported her career, placed her in the spotlight. Her position requires responsibility and respect as she represents our great FREE country.”

“Sad, what should had been a proud moment for America turned into an embarrassment,” was the observation of Fatima Conceicao.

And from Iowa, Paula Hamman summed it up for the patriots: “She is such an embarrassment for the US. She has stolen any pride we could have experienced in winning. We would rather lose and have patriotic, classy players than win and have to read about all this childish, disrespectful behavior.”

But we’ll let the man who struggled and studied and became a proud legal American, Greg Taylor, have the last word on this great nation. “Plain and simple,” he said, “if you’re in America you’re either an American or a tourist, if you’re here illegally the tour should come to an abrupt halt.”


To read more from Sarah Cowgill, visit her author page.  At Liberty Nation, we love to hear from our readers. Comment and join the conversation!

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