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Underage Illegals Pressured into Abortions

by | Feb 18, 2018 | Abortion

A few months ago, a federal court thwarted the Trump administration’s attempts to block an underage illegal alien in government custody from terminating her pregnancy. The girl’s lawyers and the ACLU claimed victory; they had defended her “constitutional right” to have the government pay for an abortion.

Now they’re gallantly fighting for the same right for yet another underage illegal. But this one doesn’t want to end her pregnancy; she claims the lawyers made her sign the paperwork. The lawyers are Rochelle M. Garza and her brother, Myles R. Garza, of Garza & Garza Law, PLLC of Brownsville, Texas. Along with the ACLU, the Garzas represent several unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors in federal custody who have requested abortions.

Constitutional Rights and Wrongs

After the Garzas and the ACLU managed to push through and get their first underage alien’s abortion, U.S. Circuit Judge Patricia Millet – an Obama appointee, surprise, surprise – offered an opinion praising the court’s decision to grant the abortion.

“The court today correctly recognizes that [Jane Doe]’s unchallenged right under the Due Process Clause affords this 17-year-old a modicum of the dignity, sense of self-worth, and control over her own destiny that life seems to have so far denied her,” Millett wrote. As you can imagine, this made her quite popular with the leftists of the media; Mark Joseph Stern of Slate called her “the hero of the Jane Doe abortion case and a worthy successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

But there is one critical flaw with that line of thought: Abortion is not a constitutionally protected right. The Supreme Court had to invent new definitions and take great creative liberties with the actual wording of the Fourteenth Amendment in order to morph prohibiting abortion into an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Indeed, without their declaration that an unborn child under the age of viability isn’t a person, the very wording they twist to protect abortion – the due process clause – would, in fact, prohibit it.

America: Land of Liberty, Justice, and Free Abortions for All

The first young alien to terminate her pregnancy in federal custody claims to have fled persecution in a country that doesn’t allow abortions. She had been offered an expedited trip back home but declined. So now the entire world knows that a 17-year-old from a country that prohibits abortion can illegally enter the United States, be detained by the federal government, terminate her pregnancy – courtesy someone else’s money – then either be granted asylum and remain here or go home no longer pregnant.

There is a very valid fear that this will make our country a free abortion service to anyone in the world, drawing pregnant illegals of all ages across the border.

The Darker Side of Civil Rights Defenders

As if becoming an even more alluring magnet to pregnant illegals wasn’t bad enough, now we must ask how many are being pressured to terminate their pregnancies against their actual wishes. The ACLU and the Garzas claim to be defending their clients’ civil rights, but don’t women have the right to not terminate their pregnancies?

According to documents filed by the Justice Department, the Garza’s assisted one such girl by giving her documents to seek abortion on February 6. However, she submitted a handwritten statement the next day saying she neither wanted to end her pregnancy nor to keep the Garzas as her representatives. “The people I saw yesterday were lawyers that made me sign, I … do not need their help because I do not want to have an abortion,” she wrote.

These people claim that illegal aliens deserve the same dignity and control over their own destinies as anyone else. What possible motivation could they have, then, to try and coerce a young woman to kill her unborn child? Illegal aliens have all the same rights as citizens, and we must take care of them, but they absolutely should abort if they happen to be pregnant– whether they want to or not? The hypocrisy is astounding.

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