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Promoting a False Agenda on LGBTQ Homicides

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Social Issues

The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) recently released a report that sent shockwaves through LGBTQ communities across the United States.  Their annual Crisis of Hate chronicle shows an 86% increase in hate-fueled homicides against LGBTQ persons with a total of 52 incidents in 2017, declaring the past 12 months as the deadliest on record.

The NCAVP has been collecting violence data on this demographic for the past two decades in order to promote their goal “to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and HIV-affected communities.” They consider themselves a clearinghouse of local coalitions and affiliate memberships striving to “increase power, safety, and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education, and technical assistance,” and to “create systemic and social change.”  A noble goal, with an unwieldy number of objectives.

The Blame Game

In their introduction, flagrantly angry with unnamed blame aplenty, they state:

“While much of this violence is not new, but rather amplified, this past year has sparked a national conversation about the escalation of hate violence against so many marginalized communities. NCAVP hopes that sharing this information now will encourage people to reject anti-LGBTQ bias whenever it occurs, and to resist any hateful rhetoric or policies put forward by this administration or by legislators.”

And in veiled speak, lay the blame at the feet of President Trump. But in an epic finger pointing misdirect, they buried the real cause of the increase:

“In 2017, 45% of the homicides of queer, bi, or gay cisgender men were related to hook-up violence, and most of these were related to hooking up online or through personal ads. There appears to be a trend of targeting queer, bi, or gay cisgender men for violence, robbery and homicides, and other cisgender men are using these sites to identify and harm them. Furthermore, there are ways that stigma, shame, and societal pressure may be contributing factors in hook up homicides where both individuals are queer, bi, or gay men.”

If we follow their track of blame, they seem to lay it all at the feet of Donald Trump. But the increase in murders seems to be from other members of the LGBTQ community; is this rise due to a careless and dangerous hook-up culture rather than a societal swelling of hate?

Don’t misunderstand the intent of this article in regards to the Crisis of Hate report; any violent act—assault, rape, murder—against any member of LGBTQ and any innocent of our society is one too many.  But dig deep into to the environment that fosters violence against this community.  Are we providing education and safety awareness, as well as the tools that can reduce or eliminate these violent acts?

Perhaps the NCAVP would do well to put the same amount of effort and outrage into creating and policing a safer environment for all.  Programs to educate and eliminate a hate, seemingly so inherent that the only relief is a violent outburst against another human being, is a lofty goal worth pursuing.  The cast iron skillet upside the head for those who do not understand the LGBTQ isn’t working out too well.

There is a lot of critical and deeply disturbing information in the Crisis of Hate report, as well as a few words about the 52 victims who perished at the hands of mentally ill or hateful people.  I encourage all readers to review and assess the reasons for the escalation and to understand where the NCAVP has (mistakenly?) cultivated their anger.

Theirs is a reckless use of resources and media attention designed to incite anger towards a largely peaceful group of people, which is as irresponsible as it is dangerous.  But I will say, the prevention of another 52 deaths of innocent lives would make a much better headline than an attempt to blame the climate of hate on President Trump, his administration, and his stalwart supporters.  None deserve that label.

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