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SAY WHAT: Gillibrand’s Posturing, Mika’s Obsession, Kimmel’s Virtue

by | Dec 18, 2017 | Politics

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.  Here is the latest episode:

Tim Donner: This President, who lets no insult go unanswered, punched below his weight class again this week, getting into a feud with a back bench leftist Senator known for almost nothing until the last few weeks.  But not anymore. First Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who was backed by the Clintons to take Hillary’s Senate seat in New York after Hillary became Secretary of State, who owes her entire political career to the Clintons, said that Bill Clinton should’ve resigned now that it’s safe to say that because the Clintons have been defrocked. This week, Gillibrand decided to grab the spotlight again after several of the same women who accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct during the presidential campaign were trotted out again by the Democrat party, so the ever courageous Senator Gillibrand decided on another typical move made by front running, headline seeking politicians like her.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: President Trump should resign. These allegations are credible, they are numerous. I’ve heard these women’s testimony, and many of them are heartbreaking. President Trump should resign his position. Congress should have hearings. They should do their investigation. They should have appropriate investigations of his behavior and hold him accountable.

Tim Donner: Right. Signal your own enormous virtue by calling for something you know will never happen. What courage. What fortitude. What strength. Well, the President, as is his want, did not let that one stand. He took to Twitter and wrote, “Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who had come to my office begging for campaign contributions not so long ago and would do anything for them, is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill and crooked.” And then in all caps, “USED!”.                      

Of course, leftists, as is their want, went absolutely berserk over the part where it said Gillibrand would do anything for contributions, simply assuming it somehow meant Senator Gillibrand would offer up sexual favors in return for funding. Witness this woman who’s also been the target of nasty Trump tweets in the past, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski.

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski with her broadcast partner and fiance Joe Scarborough. Brzezinski recently divorced her husband to marry the twice-divorced former Republican congressman.

Mika Brzezinski: That is reprehensible that the President of the United States would say something so derogatory and disgusting about a woman. We’re not surprised, Mr. President. You do it all the time. You treat women terribly, and you treat the women around you even worse. And you treat women like punching bags because it’s fun for you because you are intimidated by women. That’s your problem.

Tim Donner: Well, actually it’s your problem, Mika. You see, he writes these tweets just so he can provoke that kind of reaction from people like you, and you just fall for it every time. As the President would say, “SAD!”

While we’re on the subject of nasty leftists, we present the man who is singlehandedly destroying late night TV by turning it from fun into constant extended lectures about his own personal left wing political views. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he used his own son as a political prop – again. Jimmy Kimmel bringing his infant son on stage with him and tearfully describing the two open heart surgeries he’s had, and then trashing Republicans for defunding the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Jimmy Kimmel: Congress, about 72 days ago, failed to approve funding for CHIP while they work on getting tax cuts for their millionaire and billionaire donors. Imagine, getting that letter, literally not knowing how you’ll be able to afford to save your child’s life. This is not a hypothetical. About 2,000,000 CHIP kids have serious chronic conditions. I don’t know about you, I’ve had enough of this. I don’t know what could be more disgusting than putting a tax cut that mostly goes to rich people ahead of the lives of children.

Tim Donner: Yes, it’s all about the children. Remember the good old days when you would actually tune in to The Tonight Show or David Letterman or whatever to escape and have a little amusement and fun at the end of the day. Well, Jimmy Kimmel is making sure that won’t continue. And, by the way, is there any place left where we can escape left wing politics? Late night TV, the movies, the NFL? Apparently not.                       

Meanwhile, Roy Moore’s loss in the Senate race in Alabama has establishment republicans calling for something not far short of a public hanging of Steve Bannon, former Trump advisor, who I like to call Trumpist in Chief. He campaigned heavily for Judge Moore and has vowed to campaign against almost every other establishment republican in the Senate next year. Congressman Peter King of New York says, “Bannon should be banished.”

Steve Bannon

Rep. Peter King: This guy does not belong on the national state. He looks like some disheveled drunk that wandered onto the political stage. He does not represent anything that I stand for. I consider myself a conservative republican. I consider myself an Irish Catholic, and he parades himself out there with his weird alt right views that he has, and to me, it’s demeaning the whole governmental and political process.

Tim Donner: You see, Bannon, like Trump, is like some sort of space alien to these politicians used to the way business has been done in Washington for decades. They simply cannot understand or accept the populist, nationalist scorched-earth style Trump brought to the national political scene. And you know what? They never will.

But we’ve saved the best SAY WHAT for last. Myself and so many others have decried the ever growing influence of social media, what it has done to the nation’s fabric and the way we speak to and shout at each other under the veil of cyber protection. Lives have been altered–ruined even–by people being outed, falsely accused, constantly flamed, and recognition of all this came from a most unlikely source this week, a former high ranking vice president of Facebook, Chamath Palihapitiya, telling students at Stanford Business School that he has deep postmortem regret about what social media in general and Facebook in particular has wrought.

Chamath Palihapitiya: I feel tremendous guilt. I think we all knew in the back of our minds, even thought we feigned this whole line of they’re probably aren’t any really bad unintended consequences, we kind of knew something bad could happen. But I think the way we defined it was not like this. It literally is a point now where I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works, and I would encourage all of you as the future leaders of the world to really internalize how important this is. If you feed the beast, that beast will destroy you.

Tim Donner: Ripping apart the social fabric of how society works. If you feed it, that social media beast will destroy you. This from a man who helped create the beast. I guess the question now is whether it’s already too late–perhaps way too late–to reverse the process in any significant way. The only way is for each of you individually to do about social media what Nancy Reagan once said about using drugs, “Just say no.”

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