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SAY WHAT: Van Jones Decries Racial Identity Politics?

by | Nov 20, 2017 | Politics

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.  Here is the latest episode:

Tim Donner: So the allegations of sexual misconduct with teenagers almost 40 years ago have mounted against Roy Moore, but there was an almost inadvertent but very revealing comment made by Van Jones of CNN, former Obama administration official who said on election night that Trump’s election was because of a “white-lash.” And he’s now doubling down, saying that Steve Bannon, chief defender of Roy Moore, has stoked – and this is coming from a hard leftist and self-avowed communist – racial identity politics.

Van Jones, CNN & former Obama Administration official

Van Jones: This is Bannonism on trial. Bannon is trying to create this sense of an aggrieved identity group, frankly a white, aggrieved identity group that’s under siege by everybody, and this is that in it’s worst form, so you’re not supposed to vote as a father. You’re not supposed to vote as a brother. You’re not supposed to vote as a woman. You’re supposed to vote as a member of this identity group against the world.

Tim Donner: …Which is exactly what the left has been doing and saying for the last decade, only their identity groups were blacks and Hispanics and women and gays and so forth who were instructed to vote based on their ethnic, racial or gender identity but now, when white people supposedly voted their interests, they are accused of the same identity politics. This was spawned by the left as identity politics and now it is boomeranging right back on them. As far as Moore himself, he told Sean Hannity on Fox news that he denies all of the allegations.

Roy Moore: These allegations are completely false and misleading, but more than that it hurts me personally because I’m a father. I have one daughter. I have five granddaughters and I have a special concern for protection of young ladies. I don’t know Miss Corfman from anybody. I’ve never talked to her, never had any contact with her. Allegations of sexual misconduct with her are completely false. I believe they’re politically motivated. I believe they’re brought only to stop a very successful campaign and that’s what they’re doing.

Tim Donner: But the left and their cohorts or the establishment media are not really needed to take down Roy Moore. The Republicans are taking care of that themselves. Witness Senator Majority leader Mitch McConnell.

Mitch McConnell: I believe the women, yes. I think he should step aside.

Reporter: Are you encouraging a write in campaign for Senator Strange?

Mitch McConnell: That’s an option we’re looking at whether or not there is someone who could mount a write in campaign successfully.

Tim Donner: Of course, that would split the GOP vote and likely hand the election to the Democrat Doug Jones. Now, it’s very possible that Moore did what he’s accused of and that the timing of all of this is beyond suspicious. I mean, the Washington Post could have come out with this story before Alabama Republicans voted in their primaries, two of them, but it wasn’t until Moore survived two separate votes and won the final round against the establishment Republican Luther Strange and his name was placed on the ballot where it can non longer be removed that the Post published these stories. So Moore may have done what he’s accused of or some of what he’s accused of, but the fact remains that the Post picked the most damaging time to drop these bombshells. Of course, that’s within their rights. But the question is whether the voters of Alabama will now be driven more by the allegations against Roy Moore or the fact that they were revealed by a media giant widely reviled in Alabama at the most damaging possible time, and so the decision on what to do about Roy Moore is now where it should be, in the hands of the voters of Alabama.

Meanwhile the elite media is again all over President Trump for saying things about Vladimir Putin that are unacceptable to the leftist global new world order. This time it was for Trump saying, well, if you can decode it, that he believes that Putin believes that Russia did not interfere in the presidential election.

Donald Trump: I believe he believes that and that’s very important for somebody to believe. I believe that he feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election. As to whether I believe it or not, I’m with our agencies especially as currently constituted with their leaderships. I believe in our intel agencies, our intelligence agencies. I’ve worked with them very strongly.

Tim Donner: Wow, a lot of belief in there. Trump believes that Putin believes. Six different believes in that quote, but of course, the left went nuts anyway. So, what else is new? But with all the opposition to Moore and to President Trump from within his own party, the left becomes almost superfluous in this fight. After George W. Bush for example broke eight years of silence where he refused to say anything about President Obama, he then came out and attacked Trump recently and one of George W. Bush’s chief advisors in the White House, Matthew Dowd sounded bitter in a recent appearance on NBC.

Former George W. Bush Adviser Matthew Dowd (2nd from right) with fellow anti-Trump leftist media friends – disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, NBC’s Katy Tur & CNN’s Brian Stelter

Matthew Dowd: The Republican Party as we know it, the party of Ronald Reagan, the party of George W. Bush, is gone. The party now is the Donald Trump party. Eighty percent or 85 percent of the Republican voters regardless of what the Republicans say in Washington, that walk around the halls of the capitol and say what they think the Republican party is, that party is long gone, and they have to come to terms with the idea, this is the Trump, Steve Bannon party that is more welcoming to somebody like Roy Moore than it is to somebody like Jeff Flake.

Tim Donner: You know, hearing that and George W. Bush’s recent attack on Trump, it occurred to me that Bush has now become the Republican’s version of Jimmy Carter. Think about it. Bush left the presidency with historically low approval like Jimmy Carter. His party got beaten badly in the next election like Jimmy Carter, and then when the memories of him had finally faded he re-enters the public stage somehow believing anyone on either side of the aisle even cares what he thinks anymore like Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush, the two most unpopular presidents in the last 40 years, but the Republicans continuing lack of popularity presents the real possibility that Democrats could take control of the House in next year’s midterms, and if so, a Democrat House would most likely introduce a resolution of impeachment against President Trump and the left is already laying the groundwork with an ad by leftist billionaire and major cash cow for the Democrats Tom Steyer.

Tom Steyer: He’s brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI and in direct violation of the constitution, he’s taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isn’t a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? I’m Tom Steyer and like you I’m a citizen who knows it’s up to us to do something. It’s why I’m funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand elected officials take a stand on impeachment.

Tim Donner: Now, Steyer’s apparently spent about 10 billion, no it’s not billion, 10 million dollars, not 10 billion, yet anyway, 10 million dollars in running this ad all over the country and just so you understand as Donald Trump would say, Tom Steyer is a guy who made billions in and through the fossil fuel industry and is now apparently trying to exorcize his guilty conscience by pouring millions into leftist causes not dissimilar to George Soros who made billions through the ultimate capitalist technique of currency manipulation and then spends millions trying to tear down capitalism.

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