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Trump Supporters Barred From Attending Maxine Waters’ Town Hall Meeting

by | Jun 29, 2017 | The Left


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has repeatedly called for Donald Trump’s impeachment. The California Democrat can dish it out, but apparently, she can’t take it when others call for her impeachment. Waters held a town hall meeting this past weekend in Gardenia, California, but not all who reserved a place to hear the esteemed congresswoman made the cut. The American Mirror reported that police barred about fifty Trump supporters from entering the building. The article includes a video of what became a protest; the Trump supporters stood outside during the event chanting “let us in” and “kick her out” with pauses here and there for personal insults and demands for her impeachment.

According to the author, only prestigious “woke” constituents from the district could enter the building, while the rest were branded with yellow armbands and corralled in what was called the overflow area. There may be some merit to that accusation, as only the most “woke” among us could make it through an entire Maxine Waters speech, especially when her “speech” turns into several minutes of chanting “Impeach 45” and closes with “stay woke.”

The video shows no conclusive proof that the congresswoman discriminated against the yellow banded Trump supporters for their political beliefs, but the outcasts make it clear that they believe she did. It is interesting; however, that Maxine Waters managed to chant her anti-Trump impeachment call to her cherry-picked group of supporters – apparently unopposed – while Trump supporters seemed to languish in a right-wing ghetto outside. According to one such Trump fan, he registered in advance for the event but received an email stating that he would not be allowed inside because he did not actually live in the district. According to the email, the venue had filled up, and district residents had to receive priority seating.

It is unclear in the video whether all of the banished citizens lived outside the district. One woman said that they were stakeholders and taxpayers in the district, though that doesn’t necessarily mean they live in the area. Regardless of residency, those who work, attend school, or frequent businesses in District 43 still have the right to speak to the Representative for that district. As the man recording the video points out, Maxine Waters doesn’t even live there. If she has a right to represent District 43, surely, they have the right to talk to her. The hypocrisy is hardly shocking. She’s also coming under fire for the Russian investments that came to light in her 2015 financial disclosure documents. This pressure must feel particularly uncomfortable after the congresswoman spoke out so vehemently against President Trump’s Russian investments. GotNews.com explains:

California Democrat Representative Maxine Waters held $200,000 in Russia-linked retirement accounts in 2015, even while she hypocritically calls for President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment over his financial connections to Russia, according to her most recently available House of Representatives disclosure documents.

Standard Democrat hypocrisy aside, seating non-residents outside if the number of RSVPs exceeds the safe maximum occupancy of the building as determined by the fire marshal isn’t exactly treating them as second class citizens. The video presents a loud protest in which people yelled and chanted and called Maxine Waters everything from a “stupid witch” to the somewhat clever Maxine “Swamp” Waters. Many in the group appear to be there only to yell insults at her, so it’s no surprise that Ms. Waters wanted them left outside. After all, the left doesn’t have the greatest record of tolerating dissent.

Surprise. Surprise.

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